L8 :: EVOL 2:0 -C4-/03.12.2006/RANKED
who cares? i think he left 2!S hm? started his own clan, wich seems to be dead so he joined his lover:)
i dont see aa problem here, ppl comes ppl leaves. I dont say its alright, but as far as i know situation od c4 isnt so good with players, so every hand is usefull
Aye, but it still dosen't clear the issue.
it does
last game that pan played for 2!s was in round 2 of the league and now we have round 8, thats means he was waiting 5 rounds to play
Whoops. Yep, blind Mad.
Ok, guess that's that. Sorry for teh mixup.
GG -C4-
yes, GG C4
gg both! nice EVOL!
Well done my lovable red & white smurf comrades
Just one question - why was Pan allowed to play in this game? Didn't he start the league in 2!S? Or am i missing something/wrongly interpreting the rules? :scratch:
Quote:# If a player start the league with a clan and then move to another which is also participateing in the league, must wait 3 games before playing in the new one.Just curious.
I havent played 4 rounds. Meanwhile I was in burn, wich did not take part in league. But of korz u must always stick ur nose in others bussines without any real knowledge.
"Other's" business? That's funny. I thought that any rule probs concerning my clan's games would be *my* business... looks like i'm not the only one that is missing some clues.
Just because i'm on a roll now - the rules (which i didn't wrote, btw), don't say anything that they don't apply if you leave a participating clan, join another/go clanless, and then join another participating one. Thus my question.
:: Q3DM7 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 84 54 0 17:59 280 63.0 30 80
EVOL.WAX 77 74 0 18:00 256 50.9 3 75
EVOL.SAZI 83 68 0 17:58 277 51.1 15 73
EVOL.DIABLO 82 48 0 17:58 273 59.8 34 70
EVOL.IZ 76 60 0 18:01 253 55.2 16 70
-C4-MUSH 74 89 0 18:00 246 45.6 -15 70
-C4-NIKOTIN 69 71 0 18:00 230 49.8 -2 63
-C4-DES 71 83 0 17:57 237 49.7 -12 63
-C4-IO! 11 32 0 05:02 131 29.5 -21 11
-C4-REAPER 10 10 0 01:51 324 52.5 0 10
:: Q3DM11 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.SAZI 79 67 0 19:41 240 52.0 12 75
EVOL.MOTOR 74 62 0 19:37 226 53.6 12 72
-C4-MUSH 66 77 0 19:41 201 48.8 -11 66
EVOL.WAX 69 75 0 19:42 210 46.8 -6 65
-C4-DES 67 72 0 19:38 204 47.5 -5 63
evol.Bazze 64 65 0 17:46 216 51.1 -1 62
-C4-REAPER 61 67 0 19:41 185 48.8 -6 61
-C4-NIKOTIN 71 75 1 19:42 216 45.6 -4 60
EVOL.DIABLO 67 54 0 19:40 204 54.3 13 57
-C4-IO! 56 60 0 19:41 170 52.8 -4 52
:: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 158 116 0 37:36 252 58.3 42 152
EVOL.SAZI 162 135 0 37:39 258 51.6 27 148
EVOL.WAX 146 149 0 37:42 232 48.8 -3 140
-C4-MUSH 140 166 0 37:41 222 47.1 -26 136
EVOL.DIABLO 149 102 0 37:38 237 57.0 47 127
-C4-DES 138 155 0 37:35 220 48.7 -17 126
-C4-NIKOTIN 140 146 1 37:42 222 47.7 -6 123
-C4-REAPER 71 77 0 21:32 197 49.2 -6 71
EVOL.IZ 76 60 0 18:01 253 55.2 16 70
-C4-IO! 67 92 0 24:43 162 46.6 -25 63
evol.Bazze 64 65 0 17:46 216 51.1 -1 62
:: CW Summary per hour ::
:: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
EVOL.MOTOR 252.1 185.1 58.3 67.0 242.6
EVOL.SAZI 258.2 215.1 51.6 43.0 235.9
EVOL.IZ 253.1 199.8 55.2 53.3 233.1
EVOL.WAX 232.4 237.1 48.8 -4.8 222.8
-C4-MUSH 222.9 264.3 47.1 -41.4 216.5
evol.Bazze 216.1 219.5 51.1 -3.4 209.4
EVOL.DIABLO 237.6 162.6 57.0 74.9 202.5
-C4-DES 220.3 247.5 48.7 -27.1 201.2
-C4-REAPER 197.8 214.6 49.2 -16.7 197.8
-C4-NIKOTIN 222.8 232.4 47.7 -9.5 195.8
-C4-IO! 162.6 223.3 46.6 -60.7 152.9
:: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
EVOL.DIABLO 237.6 162.6 202.5 57.0 74.9
EVOL.MOTOR 252.1 185.1 242.6 58.3 67.0
EVOL.IZ 253.1 199.8 233.1 55.2 53.3
EVOL.SAZI 258.2 215.1 235.9 51.6 43.0
evol.Bazze 216.1 219.5 209.4 51.1 -3.4
EVOL.WAX 232.4 237.1 222.8 48.8 -4.8
-C4-NIKOTIN 222.8 232.4 195.8 47.7 -9.5
-C4-REAPER 197.8 214.6 197.8 49.2 -16.7
-C4-DES 220.3 247.5 201.2 48.7 -27.1
-C4-MUSH 222.9 264.3 216.5 47.1 -41.4
-C4-IO! 162.6 223.3 152.9 46.6 -60.7
:: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
EVOL.MOTOR 252.1 185.1 242.6 67.0 58.3
EVOL.DIABLO 237.6 162.6 202.5 74.9 57.0
EVOL.IZ 253.1 199.8 233.1 53.3 55.2
EVOL.SAZI 258.2 215.1 235.9 43.0 51.6
evol.Bazze 216.1 219.5 209.4 -3.4 51.1
-C4-REAPER 197.8 214.6 197.8 -16.7 49.2
EVOL.WAX 232.4 237.1 222.8 -4.8 48.8
-C4-DES 220.3 247.5 201.2 -27.1 48.7
-C4-NIKOTIN 222.8 232.4 195.8 -9.5 47.7
-C4-MUSH 222.9 264.3 216.5 -41.4 47.1
-C4-IO! 162.6 223.3 152.9 -60.7 46.6
:: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
EVOL.SAZI 215.1 235.9 51.6 43.0 258.2
EVOL.IZ 199.8 233.1 55.2 53.3 253.1
EVOL.MOTOR 185.1 242.6 58.3 67.0 252.1
EVOL.DIABLO 162.6 202.5 57.0 74.9 237.6
EVOL.WAX 237.1 222.8 48.8 -4.8 232.4
-C4-MUSH 264.3 216.5 47.1 -41.4 222.9
-C4-NIKOTIN 232.4 195.8 47.7 -9.5 222.8
-C4-DES 247.5 201.2 48.7 -27.1 220.3
evol.Bazze 219.5 209.4 51.1 -3.4 216.1
-C4-REAPER 214.6 197.8 49.2 -16.7 197.8
-C4-IO! 223.3 152.9 46.6 -60.7 162.6
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...