Lakerman case

the rail shoot on overkill was by mohammed as camel jumped.
Well, then thats even easier, thats the ping too, he shot just before camel made the shot. Ive made dozens of shots like that with my ~115 ping on american and ~200-250 on europe.
LOL Den, is that you?
No. Den always play on beer freeze, i dont like to play there.
My teammate was frozen too... How could he know that I didn't go to unfreeze my teammate?
Well, I wouldnt. If your mate has 2 frags in 8 min, tactically its better suddenly catch him near frozen.
I never played with headphones, but if u have good subwoofer turned on you can hear enemys rail buzz behind corner.

I never played with headphones, but if u have good subwoofer turned on you can hear enemys rail buzz behind corner.
Or bfg, many people believe that bfg makes no sound, but it makes a deep hum, barely hearable with small headphones, but with bigger headphones np (or subwoofer in this case).
On mohamed2 movie on 0.05 sec is moment when when part of model was visible but for a while :
mohamed1 - whos pov is on 2nd part, why rocket hitted same place
For me it isn't convincing
Some explains please about this movies
you cant prove anything from one shot imo....ive played against mohammed and ive noticed at sometimes he cant shit.. maybe more demoing would be appropriate.

Quote:LOL Den, is that you?No. Den always play on beer freeze, i dont like to play there.
Than you are lying cunt....I never accused someone and instantly went off, especially if I get owned!!!
LOL, now I understand why this community gets smaller from day to day!!! Because of lying bitches as this lowlife....amazing....
not because u accuse smo, but because how u accuse someone, shows, that u r a complete bitch, not others.
You haven't even made a demo which people can watch, you just accuse, because u r for urself sure, that smo else cheats.
You say u play this game now for 11 years, well, experience is not all, u can be bad in things for 20 years. As far as i know, at least from this forum, there are no signs that you have ever researched, how cheats are working actually. You can not even describe the features of a Cheat (apart from the obvious features).
In fact, that is really funny, that people like you, are responsible, that PB is not accepted anymore on public servers (beside other facts) back in time when we had up to date pbsv-configs. For today, we can forgett about pb (we actually could all start playing E+ in OA), because of the mass of the private hacks and because there is nobody anymore, who is willing to make the effort to search for undetected cheats to add the new cvars to pbsv.cfg of undetected cheats, also because beast is not willing to implement a inmod-anticheat-thing, because he is not fan of it.
Also funny is, that a averagely higher skilled player as Narcyz participate in discussions suddenly without participating in the discussion actually. A guy who say things like "If you would know, who of the good players is cheating..." Instead of saying who cheats... I mention that social thinking. Unsocial, social thinking. Rabble sticks together.
Well, doomcore, even if mircwar would really one day busted of cheating, I would still have more respect of him, than of you. He never accused smo without any basement. He provided at least a demo, explained hisself why he is thinking so, and he also accepted it, if he was profen wrong. (Ofc i wouldnt play him anymore if he would be busted one day, but i doubt he will ever be busted, because there is nothing to bust imo).
That what you do looks as if you would simply want to damage his reputation. And don't get me wrong, don't think that I think he wouldnt be able to cheat, i just see no proof, i think anyone of you is able to cheat, especially such unsocial persons like you, expect myself.
But accusing smo, whithout a evidence, which can be watched by others is like in medieval times to say "witch" while you are pointing at a girl.
Doomcore, u r simply a anti-social sucker, not worth to get read.
Just for ur info, i often thought "ingame" that u do cheat, than i gone spec, or spected while beeing frozen, took demos, and what i did saw? Nothing! And i can claim, that my anti-cheat experience is much better than yours. U may be better in game (not much), i am better in watching cheats. Nub.
Thx for reading

Than you are lying cunt....I never accused someone and instantly went off, especially if I get owned!!!![]()
Then try to remember cunt. Admins of beer freeze, 14 jan 2010 between 21:05-21:24 (+2GMT) map ospra3map1 this sucker doomcore accused me in wallhack. Can be proven with server logs in this time. (For your information i dont play with Estonian flag) U so often calling ppl cheaters so u cant remember whom exactly u called
LOL, now I understand why this community gets smaller from day to day!!! Because of lying bitches as this lowlife....amazing....
Great, u just described yourself
this your higher skilled player Narcyz doesnt participate in discussions cos he has nohing to say.. this looks like private war between mircwar and core.
i cant say any name here becouse i have no any proof, any demos or other stuff to confirm my words, like pomocnik said i just have eyes and i can see what is happen sometimes on server (like guys who 2 months ago was much worse than me and now they kill me before i do anything)
half year ago i woudnt say anything, i was belive pb protect us, but since skulls judging i see everywhere chetas when somone do shoot which shoudnt be happen
also i dont want lose last fun i still got with this game and dont want spy every players who i think they cheat, i dont want get paranoid
shooting an enemy he prolly didnt see?
hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."