Looking for developer
You have all noticed the stop in development. That is because I am the only developer left in this project. To be honest I was almost alone since the late 2004 but life continues and personal priorities do change with time.
Well, still I like this game and would like to see it evolves.
Having said this, I am looking for a nice person to continue the development.
There are only 3 requirements.
- Be friendly and not involved into conflicts with clans/community
- Have experience with Quake 3 modifications
- Can express yourself in english or german (english does not have to be perfect, just have a look at my poor skills)
Interested? Send me your application to .
Please include some information about you and what makes you the right choice, links to your projects, screenshots etc.
don't know what to say and I want say a lot
tbh i didnt think this day will come anymore . There are lots of talented people who are willing to help so don't worry about finding the right one
. Anyway I'm glad you still came back to do this and didn't abbandoned it, easy. You are part of history
Good luck !
lost for words...
any chance of releasing the server side 1.04 beta dev in the meantime? just the spawn fix makes it way more playable than 1.03
Gogogo ppl!!! Finally!
so easy+ its not a legend 0o? gl

You have all noticed the stop in development. That is because I am the only developer left in this project. To be honest I was almost alone since the late 2004 but life continues and personal priorities do change with time.
Well, still I like this game and would like to see it evolves.
Having said this, I am looking for a nice person to continue the development.
There are only 3 requirements.
- Be friendly and not involved into conflicts with clans/community
- Have experience with Quake 3 modifications
- Can express yourself in english or german (english does not have to be perfect, just have a look at my poor skills)Interested? Send me your application to easy at excessiveplus.net.
Please include some information about you and what makes you the right choice, links to your projects, screenshots etc.
WOW great. something start last time for this easy
just make the right choise easy
-I am friendly.
-I do have experience with quake 3 modifications, one of them specially, which was a crap.
-I think I know how to express myself in english, moron.
About programing skills, once i did a sum calculator on java, enough for making better this mod.
edit: u don't have to comeback, spend ur time in something more useful.
No offense, but I just see this as giving false hope to the ppl of this place. I'm pretty sure it will lead nowhere...because thats how things have always been here. But either way gl with it.
ps. and deleting faith's post...not nice dud.
I hope you have some good luck and there is someone that will help you.
I think I got right skills for that, But Ill not support Excessive Plus... I already tried to support the communtiy on it starts and allways there was big ignorance... now is funny to see how you need people .... bah.... pff...
good luck!