new map

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Zaxtor's picture
Joined: Jan 2010

1st map :
_name : castle
_size : 60mo

2nd map :
_name : aztec
_size : 68mo

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: new map

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: new map

fairly large file sizes for maps.... downloading. from the screen shot the second one looks better. Happy

OK hhehe Alot of nice ideas here however as levels thier not complete or optimized for fps so their *laggy*

thier is a fair amount of Z-fighting and everything seems crude apart from aspects of the map where you seem to of taken more care of.

btw i like the plasma coming out of the statues in aztec tis funny hehe.

in the quake engine large spaces tend to be laggy so making sure your rooms are not easierly visible from each other can help fps in other words not open plan Winking and look up area portals and how these affect fps and how detail brushes can help.

for your steps in castle use brushes not patches.

the grey white lined texture is a default no texture and is ugly do not use.

the best part of the two levels is the Aztec area which does not contain pyramid and the sliding circle door switch thing in castle.

try when building your maps to put fps hungry things in small closed rooms. Winking

both of your maps need work but keep it up and you should how to really cool maps Happy

also consider how people play maps about the paths they take though the level and how you can enhance this. not making small things which they wont even notice. make it flow.

clip brush can help you do this better as well as a nice map layout.

keep it it going Tongue Winking Happy

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: new map

thats how 2nd looks for me Big grin

Zaxtor's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Re: new map

Ok sry fps i will ask to map+ how to correct it Winking

Forum moderator Rank moderator
Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: new map

"Ok sry fps i will ask to map+ how to correct it"

oh yea i did this first time i made a map its because you did not include the all the textures you used in the pk3 file so some are missing. the ones that are shown are problely the baseq3 textures which everyone has. however the custom ones you need to include other wise they dont render.

yea i no its bad explaination but Tongue epsi taught me this is suggest you ask him hes in the nooo Winking Tongue Happy