plusN.cfg | 2.4

328 replies [Last post]
fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

updated plusN.cfg v. 2.12 DOWNLOAD HERE

2:12 :
- SG - damage increased
- LG - damage increased
- BFG - projectiles splash damage reduction
- Camp Protection - time decressed 12 -> 10
- xp_improveprediction - turned on {because Beast whined about it ;)}
- new features:
- armor & health stays after round end & point scored
- xp_freezeStyle 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
- 0 - players won't freeze on arena
- 1 - players going to freeze because there is cold and they are forced to seek for health (default)
- 2 - players won't freeze on arena, there is no items on arena at all
- 3 - players going to freeze because there is cold and they are forced to seek for health, there is only health on the map
_______________________________________ update 15:35 26.09.2009

thanks Beast once again, working with You is a pleasure
btw. I know cfg is messy atm, still decided to release it without code optimization, later I'm going to reorder it and release again Happy

I am addicted to life.

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

lol that xp_freezeStyle took us by sorprise in Beer Freezer with the older 2.12. haha everyone was WTF im losing health!

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
(HK)Spider wrote:

lol that xp_freezeStyle took us by sorprise in Beer Freezer with the older 2.12. haha everyone was WTF im losing health!

hehehe, sneaky Laktos Happy

I am addicted to life.

yony! was
elpibewer's picture
Joined: Dec 2007
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2


how work?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

yonito, would u kindly read the post of fala, just 2 posts above ur post. thank you.

yony! was
elpibewer's picture
Joined: Dec 2007
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

I read too fast and forget things

Thanks Big grin

Toxic's picture
Joined: May 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

- armor & health stays after round end & point scored

this is exactly what i was waiting for!


(.I tried to be perfect ,but nothing was worth it I don't believe it make's me real.)

Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

What about switchtimes, feels like extremly fast switch!

Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

Beast_Cro's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Dropping Power-up items stinks...short and simple.


Only couple of players (who prolly asked this to be added, I guess) use it and they use it too often IMO since I see them "abusing" others by having 599 HP & 599 armor (on several maps even 90% of the time that I saw).

Some ppl even stated that they will disconnect from server when they see others (annoying abusers) connect who are known to excessive exploit this feature.

Sincerely, there are more annoying stuff with this feature then fun and interesting experiences + ppl dont even wanna use it (myself and most of Beer admins included).

So why torture most of ppl who dont like it when it can be easily better by simply disabling it by default and who wants it, let them turn it on by their choice on their server.

Hope I made sense...I tried.

Tnx and bb

The chase is better than the catch!

.DA| Clan | CRO Team

Beer freezer server map rotation + download links:

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
.DA|BEAST. wrote:

Dropping Power-up items stinks...short and simple.


Only couple of players (who prolly asked this to be added, I guess) use it and they use it too often IMO since I see them "abusing" others by having 599 HP & 599 armor (on several maps even 90% of the time that I saw).

Some ppl even stated that they will disconnect from server when they see others (annoying abusers) connect who are known to excessive exploit this feature.

Sincerely, there are more annoying stuff with this feature then fun and interesting experiences + ppl dont even wanna use it (myself and most of Beer admins included).

So why torture most of ppl who dont like it when it can be easily better by simply disabling it by default and who wants it, let them turn it on by their choice on their server.

Hope I made sense...I tried.

Tnx and bb

my words. powerups sux. quad whores fux

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