Quake Live
yo, join to some ifreeze tag server by sparxon! ;d its visible all the time or you can join also to ictf server by tonks around 19-20!
my nick: mzi
i'm playing a lot of insta games, like iftag and really a few of ictf, i'm mostly playing on iPets Leida's server...
nick : Klashq3
my nick k0tek
my nick is "agile"
but i cant play it cause it lag so hard on my pc and idk why? is my comp such a crap?!
diabolik88, play freezetag and ctf, only insta ofc lately im making some server time to time with ctf or ftag or some funny stuff like domination or else.
new account: kilwz
playing duel&TDM&CA&CTF ONLY
me nick in ql is aeropl1
eugen (playing instafreeze)
so i just now saw ql cost 10$ and moved to steam
i guess all that time was beta we were the testers