Continuing Mad's wicked legacy is no mean feat, especially considering how much energy he injected into the forums, so Im not going to completely follow it, but instead develop my own style of moderation.
Ofc, all rules and guidelines from above still apply, but from my person, I'd like to add what will be the starting button of the evilness of Mod-powers:
- "+1" style spam such as pointless replies or tings that dont contribute to topics.
- Flaming and offensive language towards other people.
- Resurrection of old stuff.
- General Retardation.
I will not use Trashcan as often or as heavily, but will keep a certain standard of order in the holy grail-type topics such as Cheater Report Topic, Members Picture Thread, and so on. Also the spambots wont gain anything from me being here, but that goes without saying.
Looking to all that negative stuff Mad and Wax described (and the slightly less negative that Budman did).
- Shady'AK