Vote for FORUM MOD.
21. December 2010 - 18:41
42% (77 votes)
38% (70 votes)
20% (36 votes)
Total votes: 183
21. December 2010 - 18:42
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
*picks the the best of the bad*
21. December 2010 - 18:44
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
I vote for Epsi and maybe if you give some other option... here no votes!
21. December 2010 - 18:48
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.

*picks the the best of the bad*
hard choice, hmm I suppose "no, never and hmm not"
21. December 2010 - 18:51
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
from those 3 nicks, no one, thank you.
(asp and ascari - nothing personal )
21. December 2010 - 18:54
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
21. December 2010 - 19:07
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
ascari out of those three . Perhaps Fala too if he admitted to banning everyone. I think he's written some of explanation in the polish thread but dunno for sure... google translation ofc.
21. December 2010 - 19:10
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.
well i voted fala but then after i posted, i seen ridd posted b4 me about fala
so -1 vote for fala and +1 vote for ascari
21. December 2010 - 19:11
Re: Vote for FORUM MOD.

*picks the the best of the bad*
add plis "against all"
Community should want to make the vote, having no vote = don't even read it?
Epsi will still be mod ofc, this is for new mod addition to our team, perhaps even more than 1 will succeed.