Which is/was your favourite e+ mod version?
btw is possible to port old sever config to newer e+ versions?
for example old plus.cfg from e+ v1.3 on e+ v2.3
and if yes, what about feel? is it the same or its changed? For example on older versions when you fire, then swap weapon, switch back to previsou weapon you can fire without reload lag. i thought i have some lags cos sometimes i want to fire but weapon doesnt fire and i have to die cos i cant kill enemy or i cant slide away
u need to rewrite the whole config for that beazt.
apparantely newer versions feature all old features + new ones.
u need to rewrite the whole config for that beazt
i dont understand how can i be the only one who care. in 2005 when i discovered this mod i played often on x-nature.cfg with switch time -1. iam propably too old to change my game style. iam not thinking what i do when iam attacking or get attacked by enemy. iam just pressing buttons like in past but sometimes nothing happens so i stay in front of enemy trying to scare him with my weapon arsenal. iam thinking about my server with older plus version
Haha, happens to me too, imo the problem is not with weapon reload time but with fire button, weapon wont shoot unles you reclick fire button.
iam pretty sure its problem in q3 cos in other games and programs i can use LMB and other mouse buttons without limitations. i have experience i pressed LMB twice (without weapon switch) and nothing happened. sure i didnt get chance to press it 3x cos enemy killed me... it makes the game kinda unplayable. i thought its problem between higher polling rate and mouse input in q3 engine but jesterday i tried to play with 125Hz polling rate and in_mouse 1 and problem wasnt solved.