XP Qname 2.0
Since a lot of changes has been made, the version has moved from 1.1 to 2.0
Many new features suggested added, and many others aswell.
It doesn't include updated help files.
License : FreeWare
Author : Aliminium
Email :
Technology : Java 1.6 and higher
Libraries : xpCommon.jar, sqlitejdbc.jar
Date : 19/08/2010
Version : 2.0
Compatibility : Excessiveplus 2.0 and higher
Version 2.0 :
Add : Edit menu
This was previously in the name's text field's popup, now it is also on menu
It has more editing tools
Add : Filter menu
You can now filter a part of code (colors, effects, etc...)
If no code is selected, all code is transformed, else, only selected code is transformed
Add : Tools menu
It offers a very interesting set of tools
Chg : Options menu
It has been replaced with Display menu
Chg : swatches removed from color selector
Add : a text field has been added for Custom color in the color selector
Chg : old code panel splited into name & country panels
Chg : effects buttons changed to smaller and more designed
Add : current letter mode displayer
Add : team color's button in effects panel
Add : added button to update preview
It has shortcut aswell and is present in Display menu
Add : 2nd mode to choose a country
A country text field where you can type the country's code
Add : 3rd mode to choose a country
The country flag is now click-able and pops up a visual flags selection
Chg : new intermediate parser added for faster code edition
Fix : some old parser's bug fixed
Add : Letter mode
It is present in both Edit menu and name textfield's popup and has shortcuts
It modifies the lower case letters typed from a to z as follow :
[*}Normal : lower case typed letters remain intact [*}Style 2 : lower case typed letters are transformed to e+ 2.0 letters style
[*}Style 3 : lower case typed letters are transformed to old e+ letters style
Add : Switch char code
It is present in both Edit menu and name textfield's popup
It added to Y position in char map 8 or reduces 8
If no code is selected, all code is transformed, else, only selected code is transformed
Add : Team color mode
It is present in both Display menu
It changes the team of the player to see how the code changes depending on (^t)
Add : Color gradient tool
It is present in Tools menu
It removes all present colors and generates a gradient color
based on a couple of start color/BGcolor and ending with a couple of end color/BGcolor
A button can switch start & end colors/bgColors
If no code is selected, all code is copied, else, only selected code is copied for modification
On validating the generated code, if the original code was not selected, it is replaced,
else, only the selected code is replaced
Add : Alpha gradient tool
It is present in Tools menu
It can keep code's colors or generate new ones as Color gradient tool does
but it adds a start alpha and an end alpha
If no code is selected, all code is copied, else, only selected code is copied for modification
On validating the generated code, if the original code was not selected, it is replaced,
else, only the selected code is replaced
Add : Qname generator tool
It is present in Tools menu
It has many steps for generating a name and could be generating on a single shot
There are some options as number of chars to generate
or probabilities that a color/bgColor/effect is added before each char code
If no code is selected, all code is copied, else, only selected code is copied for modification
On validating the generated code, if the original code was not selected, it is replaced,
else, only the selected code is replaced
Add : Old Qname converter tool
It is present in Tools menu
I don't know if some people have still old code in their cfgs, but here is a tool to convert it.
Anyway, if you load an old qname code with File > Open , it is converted automatically.
Chg : new Save to gif advanced popup
The way of selecting the options has changed.
Add : some shortcuts has been added
[*}F5 : to refresh the preview [*}F8 : to switch the team color mode (Neutral, red or blue)
[*}F9 : to switch the preview mode (16x16 or 32x32)
[*}Alt+1 : to switch to Letter mode Normal
[*}Alt+2 : to switch to Letter mode Style 2
[*}Alt+2 : to switch to Letter mode Style 3
Chg : About all the code has been reorganized for a better re-usability
Fix : a file parser's bug
It's really strange that no one has ever detected this issue, by loading q3config.cfg on Windows
Fix : loading performances increased
Version 1.1 :
Chg : Countries.properties file is no more needed, now countries are read directly from the sqlite ipdb.db file within excessiveplus folder
Chg : the name of the jar is renamed to simply xpQname.jar
Chg : the help files (htm and text) and readme are now placed on docs folder
Add : a new folder (lib) has apeared where shared libraries are placed
Version 1.0 Final :
Fix : Small tooltip bug in alpha effect
Add : Text and htm help files
Version 1.0 :
Fix : 100% old name cvar compatibility
Add : Help menu item trys to open a file called XP_Qname_help.txt
But none helped me to make it, so I will let community create it.
Add : Gif Quality setting in option
Fix : Open file read most common encoding as UTF-8
Fix : Some minor bugs fixed
Version 0.999 :
Add : Open/close config file (even old Qname version name cvar)
When opening a config file parses name, xp_name and xp_country and keeps all other lines to be saved later
The old Qname cvar is parsed and transformed to new one (has to be tested a lot)
Add : save to gif image
The background color will be the custom selected color (so change it before to click as you like)
Add : Glow and thin effects
When you select thin effect(^l), the charmap changes, to see what is the character to add
Add : The preview mode has been added.
16x16 is a small character map
32x32 is a bigger character map (default to see well)
it can be changed in options
Add : Copy/Cut/Paste/SelectAll popup Menu in the code field
Chg : The preview is now updated every 2secs if there are changes in the code
Fix : The preview generator has been totally renewed to fit better Q3 one
Fix : Errors and exceptions management has been improved a lot
Chg : All the code has been reorganised to easier updates and open the door to futur tools
Version 0.981 :
moved to graphical java application
the application is supposed to be incorporated to e+
new charmap characters is fully supported
improved full color support
all effects supported except glow and thin
possibility to insert/replace selected text code
characters from #20 to #7e can be writen directly in code (space included) :
________________ | | | !"#$%&'()*+,-./| |0123456789:;<=>?| |@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO| |PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_| |`abcdefghijklmno| |pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ | |________________|
code can be copy/pasted in xp_name
xp_country code can be selected and the flag drawn
save/save the config in a file supported
fully commented element titles (just point on an element and it will give you a hint)
preview draws all characters/colors/and effects(execpt the 2 missings)
you can be linked directly to e+ website through a menu button
the gif generator update to fix the anti-aliasing issue
more options to set in the config.
You need before using qname to install java runtime environment 1.6 or higher.
You can download java here : ( http://www.java.com/download ).
And as this tool is made for e+ 2.0, you must have it too installedThen extract the zip in excessiveplus/tools folder within Quake3Arena folder.
As java is platform free, it can be run in any Operating System.
On windows execute xpQname.jar by doucle clicking it.
On command line (linux or windows or any system having java 1.6), use :
-------------------------------------------------------- java -jar xpQname.jar [excessiveplusFolderPath] --------------------------------------------------------
where default excessiveplusFolderPath is ..(parent folder) if not setOn other platforms including mac, you must know how to run more than me
This tool is totally new and made from nothing to fit some needs.
I want to thank :
E+ team for the game.
Beast for informations given.
Epsilon & Illca for testing, analysing and debugging.
GreenGirl for the designed work.
Killer for providing the help.
All people who gave suggestions and feedback.
All testers.
Community for patience.
The download link isn't available anymore on this page due to the lack of interest by e+ community. You can found it only by following my signature.
Good Work, working nice
Hey man congrats i love it. Good work m8 keep it up
I found a bug

I found a bug= bug fixed, tx camel
moved from version 0.98 to 0.981.
I had in generated file :
[code:1]seta xp_country = "the code"[/code:1]
normally, there is no equal char :roll:Anyway, fixed.
Sry for the ones who have already downloaded
FU !
hm cant start it, i downloaded jre and installed it, still happens nothing.
win7 final 32bit

After installing jre
you have to extract the zip in excessiveplus/tools folder
and to have excessiveplus 2.0a
ah ok thx, didnt know that it NEEDs to be installed right there^^
ali one problem: when i make my tag i cant click right mouse button cut and paste it to my cfg here i cant only with alt + c and v for me its better to cut it and change colors simple and names with cut via mouse...
in the old version i can it make easy and simple can u fix it pls ?
greets asph...
G:\Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\tools>xpQname_0.981.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: G:\Quake III Arena\ex
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: G:\Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\to
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
Could not find the main class: G:\Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\tools\xpQname_0.
981.jar. Program will exit.
G:\Quake III Arena\excessiveplus\tools>[/code:1]
Latest Java have installed... WTF?!
= bug fixed, tx camel
moved from version 0.98 to 0.981.
I had in generated file :
[code:1]seta xp_country = "the code"[/code:1]
normally, there is no equal char :roll:
Anyway, fixed.
Sry for the ones who have already downloaded
Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co
Check this peacefull place