XP Qname 2.0
Last week, I mentioned to Beast that 0.99 did not work in the E+ folder for OpenArena. He said it would in the next release. I guess he did not realize you would release 1.0 so quickly.
Anyway, I will be happy to make a help file (I am fairly good at documentation) IF you make Qname compatible with the E+ version of OpenArena.

It's already fixed killer, and it's working great. Just install the jre and put the package under the excessiveplus/tools directory.
Now go and write the docs .

It's already fixed killer, and it's working great. Just install the jre and put the package under the excessiveplus/tools directory.
Now go and write the docs
ah. I had it in the root of excessiveplus not in tools. duh.
Anyway, I'll still do the docs. It will be something extra I can post at my OA site.
Small bug, when you change the value of the alpha combo, the help message for the alpha button gets overwritten.

...make a file called XP_Qname_help.txt and add it to the package if you want it, cos I will not...
As promised I made stuff for XP Qname. Unfortunately, I did not notice before that you wanted it to be a text file. I made it in a similar format (html) as the qname help file that shipped with 1.03.
Anyway, hope they help someone in Q3 (I know they will on the OA side):

tx Killer,
what should be added in the help are the advanced features of XP Qname :
100% old name compatibility by using open button
save to gif, has to be explained that u need to choose a color in the color panel, before cos it will be used as gif's background color.
options 16x16 and 32x32
gif quality is used for both preview and save to gif
there is no problem to go from rich text to simple text.
Pls found attached the doc in txt file.if you want beast, I can make both (a link to the html doc and open the text file
I'll add the 4 items to the user guide this weekend. I wasn't aware of the old name compatibility option (that's cool).
And, IDK about Beast but I would like the help to point to both text and html docs as the html will have visual aids that will help noobs. I consider these docs mostly for noobs as I doubt few (if any) veterans will need to refer to them.
I am so (arrogant) that I wanna release the last version of XP Qname licenced as freeware for the community.
And maybe it will be probably my last thing done for e+.
No more motivation to help a community which doesn't help you/like you.
Next step would be to leave
make a file called XP_Qname_help.txt and add it to the package if you want it, cos I will not.
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