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sub_nixter's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

BUSTED ! Surprise

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

Ok after a deep investiation of Jessica Case (wich is my good friend)
hard talking, asking, and begging to know the truth i Found some evidence that will able to clean her reputation .. How the fuck ? chek this people.

I accidently close the msn conversation and of course i didint save it! my bad on that move but i havent lie since i got here and i wont lie ever.

I talk with warez (right man?) and he told me about the hack thing steves i dont remember the name (security reazons)

1 - Then i ask this girl to search files with the hook termination and she found q3hook.cfg on one folder of her quake i ask her to send it over me and i found this (1st attached file)

With this on it "Hahaha never play with me bitch" <=== this means some one send it to her why ? next point please

2 - I download the original hack (first time i download some shit like that)
and i found the same bad cvars (cheat stuff) but without the "Hahaha never play with me bitch" Leyend wich close the conclusion of some fool wanting to take revenge on here sending this file.

3 - Then i ask her to send me the q3cfg files and she did it. The results:

Compare this binds:

Shift on the hack thing is for shooting
Shift on q3 cfg's are for speed

Make a search (ctrl+b in wordpad) for any of this bad cvars and u wont find nothing.


The original hack doesnt have "Hahaha Bitch" stuff /someone send it to her to skrew her up.

The no binds thin on her e+ and baseq3 cfg's are evidence that she havent exec this freaking hack.

+ The thing that she plays quake realy good and she havent beat many good players that mean she dont CHEAT couse cheaters always wins you on misterious ways.....
Another thing ... i see that there is a Radar cvar wich i found it in a good usa player cfg (that sucks) . i wonder if i should post about it.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

this is the continuation of attachments .. i had a issue ataching in the past post dont know why Worried

anywas guys those who know me will know that im saying the true i hope u guys analize this before judging blinded

as i said i found radar shit in other guy probably (thinkin of making it public) he cheated once and no more but that means cheating cvars saves on quake cfg's and jessi have nothing of this bad cvars..

.:Trully speaking:.


.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004

That "Hahaha never play with me bitch" she can put it there easy she knows how to modify her cfg every ytime this happens is the same tale someone else did it, seems just like a fary tale to me, you have a choice believe on real facts or in made up excuses that are just that and it's so evident that is lame.

One thing, that is a lie, pb didn't report cvar violation but detected the hack, it wasn't logged onto the sv_violation dir where cvars are regged but instead in the file sv_cheat, she would need to unpack the entire dir into q3 dir so it souds as bs to me, now I told you about that time sehe sent me a screenshot of her desktop and she had an autoshooter there, I'll post this pic, every cheater lies about it, always someone sent them the files or his lil bro did it, even the dog or maybe the devil made her do it, there is no valid excuse and pb makes no mistakes this kind of cheat is only detected if you run the hack.exe else it would just detect the cvars violations, I hope she gets banned in every server cause I hate cheaters.

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

thats not how i think. nothing personal 1337 Happy

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004

Well I know you want her for HK maybe that's why you are trying to clean her name.

1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004

Ok I wonder why happens averytime a cheater is detected, someone comes into it's defense and it takes ages to solve.
I will quote spider in many things here:

" The original hack doesnt have "Hahaha Bitch" stuff /someone send it to
her to skrew her up.

The no binds thin on her e+ and baseq3 cfg's are evidence that she havent exec this freaking hack.

There are no binds cause this crap has to be executed directly it is an exe that takes quake 3 exe place so you exec hte hack and that's it, and on console you can manually exec then cheat_binds.cfg.

+ The thing that she plays quake realy good and she havent beat many good players that mean she dont CHEAT couse cheaters always wins you on misterious ways.....

About this who cares who seh beated it is normal that sometimes someone beats a good player and this is not the cause why I'm reporting this, if you read above she had became a good friend o mine in the last 2 -3 moths and it's sad this happens but I have to report this, this is no personal issue at all.

Another thing ... i see that there is a Radar cvar wich i found it in a good usa player cfg (that sucks) . i wonder if i should post about it.
If you have anything to say say it now if you care for this comunity.

anywas guys those who know me will know that im saying the true i hope u guys analize this before judging blinded
They know you?
Do they really know you or even me? unless you were there with her you can't say she didn't cheat for sure, I remember once you defended Devourer and he turned to be actually cheating back then, as for Judging blind they don't have to do that I posted a proof and if you try to discredit me you are getting in to something you won't like, I've tried to keep this clean for long time and that's the reason why we run the only pb servers in America, I know pb ican be bypassed sometimes but it makes no mistakes whe it comes to a game hack.

as i said i found radar shit in other guy probably (thinkin of making it public) he cheated once and no more but that means cheating cvars saves on quake cfg's and jessi have nothing of this bad cvars..
Cfg can be cleaned it is easy even more all you need to do is to save aq copy of your original cfg and that's it, that doesn't prove anything, the fact is that I posted proof about it and Seal and some other Euro players that were having fun there saw it, It clearly said PB_Hack that measn it wasn't detected by cvars, but detected the actual hack.exe file running and that has to be done before openin g quake you exec the hac.exe and tell it where quake is located the it overruns the original exe.

.:Trully speaking:.

(HK)Spider "

End of quate and comments.

I hope Server admins take notice of this and do the right thing for the good of this comunity.

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

once again i dont think the same way. and i know cheats changes ur cfg thats how people get kaught sometimes kouse cvars on theyr cfg

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


Joined: Jul 2005

Thats looks like some of Jessicas small tricks again to make us to think otherwise.

He/She have been lied about things before to me and other peoples, and admitted it afterwards, so thats just bs. And the things she send you have not a high trust value.

Her trust level is at minimum so she will still be seen as a cheater.

Btw i was on the server when she got caught. Its no doubt the pb just updated and caught! PB HACK!

If you think otherwise and want another admins look on that case you can go talk with some other admins witch are also on my friendlist easy, edy, lady, silence.

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1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004
(HK)Spider wrote:

once again i dont think the same way. and i know cheats changes ur cfg thats how people get kaught sometimes kouse cvars on theyr cfg

when they are caught by cvars pb strores the registry into the sv_viol.log file, when the cheat is directly detected it is stored at sv_cheat.log , what a surprise huh just after updating pb on server.