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1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004
EVOL.WAX wrote:

This thread is to simply post evidence of cheaters you have seen with as much proof as you can provide, the more the better. Any babbling or flaming with be deleted.

If you need to further discuss individual cases make a new thread and link to it form here, then you can report back here, with the resolution of the discussions,with a link to that thread of course.

That way we can get a more concise and digestible picture of who has been caught/banned and why.

The original cheater thread was and is a great, but as mow pointed out, its become bloated with pointless non directional statements and lost its focus and effectiveness.

for ref: original cheater thread

Also let's stick to Wax's rules before all this get's deleted.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

If PB detects a cheat by engine (means svcheat.log), the cheat must be acitve! If a cheat is active u c it on ur monitor, so, if somebody hacked a pc and do a cheat in ur q3 folder and modifies that the cheat is active when u start ur q3, than u will recognize, there is something different on the monitor. So u have enough time to leave the server and clean up ur q3 before pb detects it.

So, She is guilty!

If PB detects a cheat by cvar (means viol.log) the cheat must not be active. This cvars can be found by pb via a own cvarlist or md5tool. Cvarchecklist and md5tool list must be created by the admin. U can even detect with this checks cheats, which are usually undetected by pb. But u have to know the cvars. Means a good pb admin is up to date with the latest public cheats, and if he have the right contacts even with the non-public-cheats. Even if the cheat is not active, and PB finds just the cvars or files somewhere (cvarlist and md5tool-checklist), the person who get busted is guitly 100 %. Each excuse can be just lame.

Maybe u guys have not followed the cases of, RAM, BRO Apocalypse aka ICE-Crawler, Zzap, Golem aka Blizzard, Freak, Bling, Holy and so on, they all made similiar excuses like She does it now, and they all have lied and some people believed this assis.

For example Zzap. He get busted by pb on 2!S 1on1. I have taken his datas out of cheat.log and moved it to the bans.txt of all 2!S servers. He told me, that he didnt know that he have this stuff in his q3. A few days later, he had a new key, and played again on the 2!S Servers. What a wonder, he was busted again. WTF, if somebody was busted for cheating by pb, how stupid someone must be to not clear up his q3 and join again the same pb-server.

In this case he sweared 1000 times, that he dont cheat, and he had never the intention to cheat, he just lied!!!

Btw, later this day i will post out of my pb a cheater who is well known and oldskool, maybe a lot of u will be surprised.

In this case, cu later in here.

FIREFOX's picture
Joined: Jul 2004

@ Hq and Parasight, the cg_chadows cvar I entered into google and found it is indeed a cheat, there were screenshote of this guy who was demonstrating the use of this cheat, players shadows actually glowed through walls and floors giving a clear indication of where the player is headed and of his location.
All you have to do is enter cg_shadows into google and you will find out about it just as I did BEFORE I made that post.
The shadows that you can turn on or off in Q3 are standard but this is a bug that was identified and people have been taking advantage of it.
Please use Google and you will see what I am talking about, I would not post with out finding out before hand.
This is the page I found the above info on

Joined: Sep 2005

TBH at first i thought Firefox was just speeding ahead cos i already know what cg_shadows does of cource but after this post of hers i think we should look more into the case because this glowing through walls thing i remember that someone was caught before using a multihack that enables this feature too. Good Job Foxie Applause

parasight [E+]
parasight's picture
Joined: Sep 2004

It's a standard q3a cvar nonetheless, and there is no mention of a violation or a pb hack in Firefox's screenshot. How can you call someone a cheater if that person was caught for a standard q3a cvar that could also be used in connection with a cheat? We're skipping steps here and going right to accusations. Please provide more proof than that.

The cg_shadows thing looks like some config tweaking to me and that's that. A lot of us play with picmip > 8 in excessiveplus, on a lot of servers in other mods that's a reason for PB to kick. No cheat.

Anyways, I'd like to hear mow's opinion on this.

FIREFOX's picture
Joined: Jul 2004

@Parasight read my post more carefully and go the site that I posted the address for. You also might want to consider this, when a player turns shadows on or off in the game on=1 and off=0. If you LOOK at the screenshot it says cg_shadows=2

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

@ Firefox and Parasight

cg_shadows 2/3 is not allowed on 2!S Servers with PB, because in some cases ur able with this command to see the enemyshadows through walls and floors etc. cg_shadows 2/3 is not a real cheat, but u can abuse the engine of q3 withit it, to have a lil wallhack in some cases, not in each case.

There are also other commands which u can abuse to get not real fair advantages, like maxfps related with maxpackets, if u set here a higher or extrem higher value, u have also advantages against enemys, like to be a real hard target and other stuff, which i dont wanna explain here in details.

Such commands are ruled in the pbsv.cfg to give each player the same possibility to play.

But this commands are no reasons to punish somebody and stamp him as cheater.

Some admins in other mods are here extremly hard with there pbconfigs, like dont allow extended characters, because u can abuse them for some unfair stuff, and maxfps not higher as 100, and packets not higher that 60, and packetdub not higher than 1 and so on. So, i can say, in E+ we are very liberal with our pbsv.cfgs, even the fact of the guidrelex 7, if we would make a lower value here, more than the half of the community wouldnt be able to play on pb-servers.

Basic Rule for people who have not or still not that knowledge about command and config stuff:
whatever, each cvar pb kicks for, what u dont have in ur own config, are highly suspicious and should be posted here to be discussed if u dont know for what this command is. each other command, what u have in ur config, just with an other value, are not a cheat in this relation.

parasight [E+]
parasight's picture
Joined: Sep 2004

I read it quite carefully, you posted that link after my reply (or at the same time, according to the date, so I guess I was posting concurrently). Winking Anyways, thanks for the link.

Update: thanks for the clarification, mow. Happy

Joined: Jan 2004

some ppl say that using negative nudge is also cheat and some iven says that using picmip 10 is kinda cheat in his eyes

somtimes on servers nudget and picmip are locked and u will be kicked couse of this

this cmd is default q3 cmd, guy was kicked couse of that settings it can be used as adventage as it is disalowed on mowlys servers, smart put by flex, but that dosent mean he is cheater and requesting ban for all server couse of that cmd is below line.

im know what u think about me ff so beter talk about is with mow or flex

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

there is creating an advantage (goodmouse, good headphones, picmip, tankjr in bright colour,good cfg etc..) and there is cheats, (scripts, aimbot etc..)

does shadows give you an unfair advantage if you see them through walls? i think so..

cheat is defined as an unfair advantage..
