CW 3M vs Sneaky Bastards dates/time
kompot tez brzmi groznie.
no nie wiem nie wiem.... xd
kompot is very behavior polish word
i like kompot and by that i dont mean klamot.
- one of my best mates don't even want to play FWs or come on trainings because he consider that is wasting of time
- one of my first mates (his clan mate in plus) ignore me and my invites for wars and everything else related to clan last few month
- around 10 sneaky or more and deeply inactiveSo for now NO CWs. But, I am ready even to sing in in that cup if my mates (those up on list) consider and change their decision and start to care a little much more for our clan. In few days sneaky bastards will have 2nd birthday and I wish that things change until then. Probably, those are private things and I shouldn't talk about it in public, but I wish that this "so lovely community" try understand my position - I am sick of this sacrifice for nothing...
Yes, I told you, I was realy sick of this shit FW's. More, I explained, not even once, why. First, I dont like this cfg a lot, but that's not main reason. The head one is because last FW's were full lame shit I've ever played on my e+ career if I could say so. It were something like or "you fuckin come, waiting 40 mins to begin, hitting 80 eff till the middle of the game, getting tired and bullshiting around with a pummel" or "you fuckin come and see an enemy which camping the whole game like they play damn final of national cup at cpma only for damn quake pros with 10 billions euro reward."
I could repeat np, most of top squad (read: all) are concentrated on their plus clans, not railonly. We always were, and you knew it before took us. What this could mean? One simply thing - we aren't intersted too much about this cfg. But did we ignore? I said you Im open for any CW even on qlshit.cfg, why the fuck do you want to train me on trainings or on the noobFw's? I can camp with railonly as some enemyes do, if you want to teach me that. Im not intersted to show it at fws, because its boring for me.
We have 15 people inside or something like that, play with ones intersted in such fw's/trainings. They would train and replace the current top squad you don't like. I asked you not once, stop call me on such fws, where I can hit positive eff with closed eyes. You called me again and again, and the latests ones were worser and worser. Count me badass or whoever you want, Im also tired of this shit.
fps wants to have much more work no more FW! only CW from all clans
Zarzyn hahaha xD nice pic hahaha xD darkangel:P this is not funny hahahahhaa xD
So what FPSY was trying to say is, We will gladly play you this CW. Only on railmania mmmmkay?
Gloria Mōmentum
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”
“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway