Excessive+News [10.10.2010]
26.09.2010 - 10.10.2010
Welcome to E+N Quakers!
Hi and Welcome ones again to E+News!
Today we have a 10.10.2010!!! date...hehe very strange isnt?
Anyway, we had a lot of CW's and FW's this week with many interesting things!
Here we go! enjoy!
In railonly there was many clan wars like:
Mi3 2:1 Psy
Dunno? 2:0 RIFF
Lucky 2:0 SFC
sNeaKy 2 : 1 Extreme
*BC* 2:0 IS
RSQT 1:2 {PSY}
F2B Clan still Leading in ranking with 8 wins.
In 2nd place is *BC* Clan with 12 wins and 4 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! clan with 6 wins and 2 match lost.
The RailTrail Freeze Cup '2010! Has started!!!!! and all weeks we have many clan wars! trains! and fun wars!
also for each war in cup, we have a stream live on e+, dont mess with it! and watch them!
No changes in plus side at the moment, but soon will start the Autumn Cup and Nationals Cup! so we will have many clan wars in plus side also! as we have got now in rail! : )
Plus TAG 2010 ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in PLUS TAG 2010 ranking with 14 wins and 1 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 13 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! Clan with 16 wins and 6 lost matches
Plus TDM 2010 ranking
DS Clan is Leading in Plus TDM 2010 ranking with 3 wins.
All others clans should play more games with gametype TDM for participation in this Plus TDM 2010 ranking.
Plus Total 2010 ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in PLUS Total 2010 ranking with 14 wins and 1 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 13 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! Clan with 18 wins and 6 lost matches
Plus Neverending ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in Plus Neverending ranking with 36 wins and 4 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 15 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is SOUL l with 14 wins and 4 lost matches.
Sad, that SOUL dosent exist any more.
Nothing new on railonlyside! as now all players are training with their clans to perform the tactic for the cups!
SKULL!·SOUL is Leading in this rank with 8 matches played and all 8 are wins.
triv' is 2nd with 6 matches played , 5 wins 1 lost match.
On 3rd place we have ultima with 5 wins 1 lost match.
ZMB*RaWr! still leading 1vs1 Plus ranking with 31 matches played, 25 wins, 6 lost.
ASCARI * DS is second with 11 matches played, 9 wins and 2 lost.
|¯4e*|__|LT!MA! have a 3rd place with 13 matches, 10 wins and 3 lost.
Clans which are currently looking for players:
Only Rail Clans
|IS|<- more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
BLOODY| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
*BC* more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
Lucky more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
|MI3| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
? dunnO ! more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
R2' more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
the * smurfs more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
Only Plus Clans:
R* more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
.DA| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
EVOL more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
'DVINSK more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
HYPER more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
Plus and Rail Clans:
F2B more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
Clanless players looking for clan to join:
Players Transfers:
|Mi3|Double Tap -> dZ|Double Tap
ebashu -> Jumps*tgk
korso -> jumps*impulse
thomas -> F2BTThomas
-C4-Ozg1tz -> Ozg1tz
syntax -> Jokey*smurf (HE IS BACK!!! )
syntax -> Thc*syntax
eXtreme.t.scareface -> eXtreme!scareface
jumps turoth -> turoth
hazard -> **hazard
patogen -> Bloody|Patogen
sneaky*james -> James
syndrome*rs -> syndrome
aly*rs -> ali
*BC*apple -> ali
|Mi3|Asphyx -> Asphyx
Asphyx -> *BC*Asphyx
Darkangel -> Darkangel'RNT
Blackrose -> Blackrose'RNT
Syndrome -> SYNDROME'RNT
GE -> .aNk.oGEo
yRX -> .aNk.yRX
Bloody|Beata -> dZ|Bet!
*ZMB* Crucifix -> Crucifix
*ZMB* Beng -> Beng
Alone*Nature -> Nature
*BC*Nature -> Nature
Dsharpe -> *BC*Dsharpe
Den -> *BC*Den
Zydek -> Lucky * smurf
Ultima -> Alchemist * smurf
Gl and HF in your new clans or in searching your "Home"
3 Events!
Organisation : Asphyx <asphyx_q3@hotmail.de> and Darkangel <a-diseno@hotmail.es>
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
Autumn Freeze Cup 2010
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
If you have problem to find a server for , here are two sugestions:
ip : [!B@N@N@] Freeze Tag RAILONLY
refereepassword : ask Asp
joinpassword : rtfc
refereepassword : ask Matt
joinpassword : rtfc
Or if they are full, you can use the next servers aswell, but remember to ask the owners the ref password and password to enter on server.
[ jumpsland
MI3|War Server
[ asphyxland ]
ZMB War|Server
Having problems with finding:
- smooth server for ranked match (CW),
- someone to record mvd from match,
- someone with knowledge of server commands,
- someone who could explain all ranking rules,
- someone who could supervise & control match progress on server.
Don't worry, ref+ is a team of dedicated
people who will help u with all those problems.
Simply visit ref+ public forums forums and create a post.
Someone will contact You and help u with arranging your match.
IMPORTANT/CAUTION ! This interview will be long! As Kikuriku told us that we can’t make 50 questions…so here is our 50 for him! Enjoy…
Complete name: Charalampos Papadopoulos (The one who shines from joy ;D)
Nickname: Riku/Kiku
Age: 21
Country: Greece
Clans/teams: F2B,Super,GR-T
Ex clans/teams: Noob,Lemon,DA. <3 KO<3, GOQ and more Hrhr long list
we all know that ;D I am pretty sure shady would be delighted to answer that , so just ask him
Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse explorer 3
Mouse pad: Zowie G-TF
How many years you play Q3? -Around 6 years now
How many years you play E+? -Around 6 years now
#1 Tell us about yourself and about your hobbies, what you do in your free time when you are not in ‘’Quake World’’.
First of all, I am no one special, no one is. We all have something special which people love and respect. Anyway, I have Greek roots, but was born and raised in Germany. For now I am studying in Greece. My hobbies are very simple, my friends, playing piano and reading horror books ... I love doing everything with my friends (don't get your nasty brains working
) We enjoy partying, drinking, and having movie days. I am pretty good listener and it makes me happy to help people especially friends.. So that's my life when I am not in the Quake World.
#2 Do you work or study? If you work, were and in what profession? And if you study, where and what class?
I am currently studying Electrical and Computer Engineering in Greece. I am at my 5th semester..I still have a looong way Beside that I am not really working, I am a volunteer at a Social Care Unit for disabled Children, which is real fun if you know the children.
#3 Do you have a girlfriend? Does she like to play Q3? Or maybe she hates that you play this game…or other games?
At the moment I am single I don't really would care if she likes it or not
It's not that Quake > Real life
But I would truly prefer a girl which plays games too.. As we will have one more common which might be good for the relationship :PP
#4 Do you like animals? You have some pets?
Yeah I like animals...Of course it depends on the animal I never had a pet as far as I remember, but I am planning to get a dog
#5 What is your favourite colour? Why?
Blue and all its fades. It's a very emotional colour, which can touch you in many ways! It is supposed to represent happiness (my name ) and optimism (my life attitude (at least I try to)
#6 What is your second favourite colour? And why?
Black. It's the total contrast of blue..A depressive, heavy, mysterious and monotone colour
And a colour you can never make mistakes with It suits with every chucks (all stars converse
) you own
#7 Do you like a pink colour? You consider it sexy?
I am pretty sure that is Rosy's question No I don't find it sexy.. Red and Black are sexy colours!
#8 What is your favourite style of music?
I can't really stay at one style/genre.. I hear what I like..That might be goth ,classic, pop, rock, metal or whatever But I have to admit that I like violin melodies!
#9 And favourite band or song? And why?
a) Soulmate - Natasha Bedingfield I never really understood why I like this song...maybe the lyrics?1
Incubus - Love Hurts True words!!
And some greek song which I am sure no one really knows or want to know
#10 You used in your signature a very colorized and cool image signature with text Kikuriku, did you make it on Photoshop? You use Photoshop to paint?
Yeah it was an accident to be honest..haha. I tried out some tutorials for creating a nice logo and in the end I made that signature! Photoshop is a hell of a program! I was totally inspired by a friend of my sis who is a photograph and used to edit his pictures with Photoshop
#11 Do you have car or bike? And what is your dream car or dream bike?
I hate bikes...hehe I don't have a car yet...I am not really into cars, but I'd like to driver an AUDI TT ;P
#12 What is your favourite food? And drink?
Meatballs Soup Pizza and ofc Gyros
Non-alcoholic drink would be RedBull
, alcoholic drink Bacardi
#13 What is your favourite beer? And your record in litre that you ever drunk?
Franziskaner Weissbier ofc!! followed by Augustiner Helles My record would be 5 bottles of Weissbier which would be 2,5 Litre
#14 Did you drink a beer when you played a CW or FW? If so, what was your record of beer in litre that you ever drunk in game?
Yeah I once drank some beer, but I can't really remember when, against who, fw or cw, or even what score I had
#15 Now backing on Q3 scene…when you come to Excessive plus at first time, what was your first impression of this mod?
The first time I connected through The All Seeing Eye I got onto a Freeze Server.. I saw people flying and running and shooting (spamming) and I said...I want to learn that too!!
#16 What was your first feeling when you saw Q3A game and you started to play it? Also why you started to play this game and not other?
I never really played Q3A, I only bought it because of Bid for Power (All Dragonball Fans say F1!!!) I didn't have any inet, so I was just singleplaying against Vegeta
#17 What was your first mod of Q3?
My first mod would be Bid For Power as mentioned!
#18 When you started to play Quake III Arena, which was your first clan? Tell us a bit about that clan.
I had no clan in q3a Never played baseq, just went directly to e+
#19 Why you decided to stay in ‘’E+’’ mod?
After getting used to seeing and hearing good in E+ I started to have many frags and my movement were improving as well.. And I saw myself flying around the map I like aggressive and fast playing
that's why I stuck at E+!
#20 Do you like Quake Live? You think is the future?
I don't like it because I can't play it and I don't really want to learn it..It surely has future since it gets sponsors and gets updated...But the pay thing I am pretty sure will scare some gamers
#21 What more mods for Q3, have you played?
Cpma, Osp and lastly E+
#22 What nicknames you used?
Rikku, Kiku, Rikukiku, Lestat, Zero, Sora but the one I always ended to was Riku(kiku)
#23 Why you choose Rikukiku as nickname?
My original was Riku..With the years passing by it changed to Rikukiku, I think it was Flex KO, who first said it and I kind of like it! Riku was a character from Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for the ps2
#24 What’s your favourite word in game? And quote? And why?
My favourite word is: Kurwa I don't know but I find it funny to read and hear
The quote I like is one of Firefox's quote, something I fart in your direction or something like that xD
#25 What was your first clan in E+ scene?
The first clan I have joined was NOOB clan It never really survived much
after 6 months of playing E+ I joined that clan, where I finally learned the xp_enemymodel and colors commands
and I remember that TRANCE (not from KO) was the one who told me about r_picmip
It truly was a noob clan, but it was a great start
#26 Now about KO clan:
-How come to you the idea to join KO clan?
-You always wanted to be in this clan?
-It was difficult to you, to join the clan?
-What about the CW…your first clan war with this clan…you was very nervous and stressed to play good and not disappoint the teammates?
-Why KO closed?
-There is a KO movie (second part) some players think is one of the best e+ movies, what you think about this? And if it was difficult to make it?
It was dream of mine to get into KO, and show people what I am really capable of. I remember talking with NESS in real life, that I ll try to join KO, and he said that he is not sure I will be able to
As the strongest clan, ofc in my opinion, it was hard to join, or better I thought it was, but it wasn't...They were no animals they didn't bite
The hardest thing was to conquer your fear and the pressure you put on yourself BY yourself.. I for my part always thought:
OMG I have to play like a pro, I have to be the best to join...that pressure was good as it gave you motivation but on the other hand it could lead you to give up... I was 2 times in tryout for KO, the 1st sucked because I gave up at the end, for the reasons I already mentioned. The 2nd though was good and I got rewarded, I joined my E+ family yaaay The first CW I played with was shocking...I was nervous, hands shaking...I wanted somehow to keep up with the other's skill, so that I wouldn't let them down, or even making them regret their choice..
About the closing of KO, there is a whole thread which say why I remember when I met GOM (Hi btw
) in real life, his first question about q3 stuff, was why KO closed and I told him the same
As far as the KO movie is concerned I truly believe it is one of the best E+ movies around, not to say the best! I know from first hand that it was difficult,time-consuming to create and edit the movie. It took time and harddrivespace for DRILL*KO
To be honest I like it that much, that I burned it on a DVD, made a cover for the DVD and the case, and has its own space in my DVD Section
#27 Your best moments in the clan? Some special person in? tell us more about this.
The best moments were when we all met on our IRC channel..The first thing I was doing when I switched on my pc was starting mirc and joining #ko_clan/#ko_private. Joking around, ASM*KO providing us with links It was real fun.. And not to forget the Teamspeak sessions hahaha especially when FLEX*KO, I think, played some banana kid song over his mic!! hahahaha. My dearest and special persons of KO was/is DRILL*KO, my cfg and strafe master
, HEAT*KO he was the one who believed in me and convinced me to try for the 2nd tryout
and HQ, who gave me courage to improve and a great leader
#28 Some unforgettable moments? Some fw/cw that make you lose nerves?
There were numerous unforgettable moments. The greatest was MARCUS*KO pummel in dm7, which is shown at the movie in the end, as well as the following laughter of DRILL*KO I think
#29 What was the secret of KO clan, to be so strong and be unbeatable?
KO's secret? Many say that KO was successful because of its tactics and strategies...Which is not entirely true. The truth is that KO acted like family, protecting each other. It was never about individual skill but the whole. You knew you can rely on your mater, you knew what he will do when he moves to quad for example or whatever. The bonds mentally and "playerly" created were the secret!
#30 Now about F2B clan:
-Why and how you joined them?
-It was difficult to you, to join the clan?
-Your best moments in the clan?
-What you think about F2B clan itself?
-Now F2B is on RTFC, you think they will win the cup?
-In your personal opinion, what clan from this Cup, will be a strong opponent for F2B?
It is not a secret that I left C4, which was a great clan, to go to F2B. They know the reason, and I talked with TRIV (huhu) about it It was due to the lack of competition...Impipipi (huhu) told me about that clan which is going to be created..All people were complaining about few clans with no real antagonism, no competition, no cws...So I joined F2B
F2B is a great clan with great potential due to the experiences of the players!! I am pretty sure that F2B can win the cup even without SKULL
or me
A strong opponent will be Lucky,BC and dz
#31 Since F2B was build as clan for PLUS and RAIL scene, it was considerate one of best clans. Tell us your opinion about this.
Since you are in 1 clan for both config's there will never be the situation where you have to choose which CW to play...the one at plus or the rail So that's a good thing
#32 Some unforgettable moments? Some fw/cw that make you lose nerves?
Ofc the MR cw when we were leading and MR turned around the whole match ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
#33 Some clan from Plus and Rail, that you always enjoyed to play a fw/cw?
Not a clan but a team, ZOO was always ready to play and it was fun with all that jumpers
#34 What more clans you had on E+? tell us more about them.
Too many... Clanhopper yay yay would take ages
#35 What was the strongest clan for you to beat, when you was on KO clan?
For me back then it was HYPER, SWE ofc, and LEMON
#36 And later when KO closed and you become member of F2B, What was the strongest clan for you to beat, when you was on F2B clan?
#37 What you think, which is your favourite clan at the moment in Plus side? And in Rail side?
I like F2B,C4,MR and DA. as far as the rail side is concerned...BC
except some players :PPPP
#38 Also which is your favour player in E+? some player that you consider that has talent and have all chances to be in a ‘’All stats E+’’ ?
RIX*SOUL had the great chance and potential to be in that list
not that he is my favourite player
My favourite players of all time are HQ and DRILL... I love their gaming style
#39 Now backing to E+ scene, what would you like to change in Excessive Plus (E+) Mod ? what you like, what you dislike?
I was pretty sure about that question...hehe E+ mod itself is great, it should all his bugs fixed, it should be 99% Perfect not 87%.. I know it takes time and effort I am grateful for the developers ofc...
#40 And what you like or dislike in forum community? What would you like to change...etc-
I like the players I like they know who they are...
The whole community has changed, everyone tries to bust, to flame, to kick, to spit everyone...that sucks...
There are people who are just...aaa...I hear their name and I have to puke....
That has to change..egoism, ironies and such stuff should be lesser than the level it is atm!
#41 What is your personal record in frags? And in score (thaw + frags)?
Omg can't really remember...I never took screenshots
#42 What you do to be a pro? and what ways you go to be so good?
What you do and what you train…And make some suggestions for new players in Arena scene if you can.
Pro? Me? LoL... I have never considered myself being a pro....I used to play much better that's for sure but motivation and fun has gone for some time now I never really trained, the only time I trained were at the fws with KO...Otherwise I do some frags on dm17 with gauntlets..But a small hint, strafing is totally important
so learn to strafe, not perfect but good!
#43 Why you decided to ‘’leave’’ ?
Why the " "?? Yeah I left weeks ago
and it will stay like that...As I have already mentioned that there is no fun anymore...there is no 'real' competition..I mean fair and correct, no flames no excuses.... I know that in the past,I have said many times that I will "quit mod", But I never really did it...
#44 You will play another Mod or in QL? Or other game…? Or Its just you get tired of games…and you want to dedicate to your own real life / hobbies?
I think I am done with q3 and qL
as I said I don't really want to learn qL
I am playing AION for the moment and warsow from time to time
#45 Will you come back some day?
I think I am going to play for the Nations Cup only, for this year only Other than that I am gone
#46 Tell us about your equipment hardware for gamer. You think the gaming gear is important to became a top player? Or this is just a fairytales…anyone can be the top player with wireless mouse and LCD monitor and bad internet connection?
In my eyes it's not a fairytale..to be a top player you need good equipment..I am not talking about the best of the best and the most expensive...I mean good ones... If you have a wireless mouse, which has a great track loss how are you going to be a topplayer?
About LCD and CRT I don't really know, I have LCD with 72HZ
A bad connection is not always an issue, I mean there are good players with a ping of 149 or 129 who can own
#47 What mouse do you use right now? Tell us about your mouse settings? And how old is it? It was difficult to set up the sensitivity to feet your needs in game? What is your favourite mouse?
I am using the Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3, 500Hz!
I am not only a clanhopper but a sensehopper as well I have tried many settings, 0.5 sensitivity and accel 2, and vice versa
the current settings of my cfg are m_yaw 0.0011 and m_pitch 0.00142
sensitivity 38, cl_mouseaccel 0, in_mouse -1
I have bought the ie3 2 times I find it as the greatest mouse ever
#48 What mousepad you use? Its good for your mouse? What is your favourite mousepad?
I use the Zowie G-TG mousepad...a cloth pad for speed It's pretty pretty awesome
my first pad!!
I used to play on some Razor 4 euro pad
#49 Do you participate or have intention to participate in some official championships in Q3 or other games?
No I am not...
#50 Ok so Thank you for the answer our many questions, do you have some last words to add? Or thanks to someone? Or some suggestions?
You are welcome darky and rosy Luckily I didn't say you can't make 100 questions
I really want to thank all the people who actually read my interview xD and the people who like me and I like It was a great time in E+ with its ups and downs
I hope the next E+ generation will make things better...
Stop flaming and whining people peace to everybody
Interesting and funny meeting in ts! between blade and syntax! also with 10 peopel hearing this and loling!
Thank You for
Best wishes,
B|_ACK|¯OSE and D@|¯K@NGE|_
WTF is this? omg!

WTF is this? omg!
seems this is a syntax and blade drunked...in ts
or just making us laughing
it is like 2 retards on ts
alive it was more funny brain explosion

WTF is this? omg!
seems this is a syntax and blade drunked...in ts
or just making us laughing
it is like 2 retards on ts
hahahahhaa:DDDDDD it was funny :DDD
#7 Do you like a pink colour? You consider it sexy?
I am pretty sure that is Rosy's question No I don't find it sexy.. Red and Black are sexy colours!
hahah Kiku <3 Bad boy
interesting and funny interwiev
P.S.LOl Kaname your avatar:DDD

WTF is this? omg!
seems this is a syntax and blade drunked...in ts
or just making us laughing
it is like 2 retards on ts
I would say couple more than just 2
No normal people would stay there and listen...
... btw did I hear unique*pentagram (cyber) voice there aswell ?
nice interview well done.
Interesting and funny meeting in ts! between blade and syntax! also with 10 peopel hearing this and loling!http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24625736/syntax-blade-ts-meeting.wav
ahahahahaah primitive people XDDDDD
seems this is a syntax and blade drunked...in ts
or just making us laughing 
Gloria Mōmentum
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”
“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway