Excessive+News [26.09.2010]
14.09.2010 - 26.09.2010
Welcome to E+N Quakers!
Hi and Welcome ones again to E+News!
Finally all clans are more active and we will have in next month 3 cups!
The Rail Trail Freeze Cup, The National Cup and The Autumn Freeze Cup!
So what that means? yes you are right...a lot of fun! many clan wars! many trains! and cool frags
We also have a very interesting interview with 4 pretty girls from e+ two are new members in e+ and two are old members of e+, so we will see the womans view on E+ scene.
But this not ends here! start to read and check by your self the E+N! have fun!
In ranking railonly situation has changed!*BC* moved E><TREME! on third place and became second.Only 2 clan wars was played in this 2 weeks.
F2B Clan still Leading in ranking with 8 wins.
In 2nd place is *BC* Clan with 11 wins and 4 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! clan with 6 wins and 1 match lost.
As all know 1 octouber starts RailTrail Freeze Cup '2010! 16 clans will participate in this cup, so we will have many Interesting clan wars and a lot of fun!!dont mess with it!
Only 1 clan war was played in this 2 weeks. So here is the results:
Plus TAG 2010 ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in PLUS TAG 2010 ranking with 14 wins and 1 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 13 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! Clan with 16 wins and 6 lost matches
Plus TDM 2010 ranking
DS Clan is Leading in Plus TDM 2010 ranking with 3 wins.
All others clans should play more games with gametype TDM for participation in this Plus TDM 2010 ranking.
Plus Total 2010 ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in PLUS Total 2010 ranking with 14 wins and 1 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 13 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is E><TREME! Clan with 18 wins and 6 lost matches
Plus Neverending ranking
[MR.] Clan is Leading in Plus Neverending ranking with 36 wins and 4 lost match.
In 2nd place is unique Clan with 15 wins and 3 lost matches.
On 3rd place is SOUL l with 14 wins and 4 lost matches.
Sad, that SOUL dosent exist any more.
Soon will begin Autumn Freeze Cup ~2010~ and we will have more cw!So hurry up to sign in!
We can see that situation changed!Now in 2nd place is triv'!Our congratulations!
Sad, but no clan wars were played in this 2 weeks.
SKULL!·SOUL is Leading in this rank with 8 matches played and all 8 are wins.
triv' is 2nd with 6 matches played , 5 wins 1 lost match.
On 3rd place we have ultima with 5 wins 1 lost match.
How we can see all is the same. At the moment this is what we have got:
ZMB*RaWr! still leading 1vs1 Plus ranking with 31 matches played, 25 wins, 6 lost.
ASCARI * DS is second with 11 matches played, 9 wins and 2 lost.
|¯4e*|__|LT!MA! have a 3rd place with 13 matches, 10 wins and 3 lost.
Clans which are currently looking for players:
Only Rail Clans
|IS|<- more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
BLOODY| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
*BC* more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
Lucky more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
|MI3| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
? dunnO ! more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
R2' more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
the * smurfs more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
Only Plus Clans:
R* more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
.DA| more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
EVOL more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
'DVINSK more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
HYPER more about joining this clan HERE<-(click)
Plus and Rail Clans:
F2B more about joining this clan HERE <-(click)
Clanless players looking for clan to join:
Player transfers:
ShadowKDE -> ShadowKDE )NWC(
Zap -> BadBoysQuad'Zap
Cartman -> .DoK. Cartman
Gazapo -> .DoK. Xonas
alone*t*doubletap -> alone*doubletap
artysta kombinator -> alone*kombinator
Xotic -> BadBoySquad'Xotic
Double Tap -> |MI3|DOUBLE TAP
Iznogoud -> |MI3||IZNOGOUD
CandyMan -> |MI3||CANDYMAN (trial)
Sachura -> |MI3||NEPHILIM (trial)
Cursed -> (IS)*Cursed
Simpson -> Simpson? dunno!
Larry -> Larry? dunno!
PVenre -> P Venere? dunno!
ridd -> Ridd? dunno!
Kroko -> |MI3||SHAKINE (trial)
Vir -> (IS)*Vir
Shocker -> (IS)*SHOCKER
Zaxtor -> F2B ZAXTOR
|MI3||EM3SEL -> .dZ|em3sel!
Gl and HF in your new clans or in searching your "Home"
Soon we will have 3 events :
Organisation : Asphyx <asphyx_q3@hotmail.de> and Darkangel <a-diseno@hotmail.es>
Enjoy with the cool
video that boykins did we hope you all will enjoy the cup!
as at the end will be a trailer about it with all participants!
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
Autumn Freeze Cup 2010
MORE INFO HERE...<---Click
If you have problem to find a server for , here are two sugestions:
ip : [!B@N@N@] Freeze Tag RAILONLY
refereepassword : ask Asp
joinpassword : rtfc
refereepassword : ask Matt
joinpassword : rtfc
Having problems with finding:
- smooth server for ranked match (CW),
- someone to record mvd from match,
- someone with knowledge of server commands,
- someone who could explain all ranking rules,
- someone who could supervise & control match progress on server.
Don't worry, ref+ is a team of dedicated
people who will help u with all those problems.
Simply visit ref+ public forums forums and create a post.
Someone will contact You and help u with arranging your match.
Complete name: Inna
Nickname: In
Age: 30
Country: Republic of Belarus
Clans/teams: Extreme clan / SPPGT / 4ek
Mouse: laser mouse sweex MI560
Mouse pad: haven’t
How many years you play Q3? 3.5 years
How many years you play E+? 3.5 years same
Complete name: Irina
Nickname: lala
Age: 24
Country: Russia
Clans/teams: JUMPS clan, SPPGT (team)
Mouse: Logitech RX250 (died. gonna buy new mouse)
Mouse pad: -
How many years you play Q3? – I don’t remember at all, but I play q3 online for about three years)
How many years you play E+? 3 years
Complete name: Aleksandra Slutskaya
Nickname: Nymph, Nympho, Aleksandra...and many more brutal nicks haha
Age: 21
Country: Bulgaria
Clans/teams: Ink clan, SPPGT
Mouse: Razer deathadder
Mouse pad: I don`t know what is ,a whelp marks
How many years you play Q3? what years .... months .. 3 months if I need to be accurate
How many years you play E+? 3 months
Complete name: Natasha
Nickname: Linatali or Natali
Age: 22
Country: Ukraine
Clans/teams: |IS|, BT, super, UNT, SPPGT&SPBBT
Mouse: Razer Copperhead
Mouse pad: Razer Mantis Speed
How many years you play Q3? 1 year
How many years you play E+? 1 year
1.Tell us a bit more about yourself and about your gaming history, when you started to play Q3A, which was your first mod for Q3A, why you started to play this game?
IN:In February 2007, I had a lot of free time and I decided to try a little shooting. The choice fell on quake3. Approximately 5 rounds I played with only bots, get bored and then I connect to Internet. I went to first server and got on e + mode. First I played only rail and six months later I learned how to play on all guns. In December 2007 I was invited to play in the newly created clan called eXtreme. There I am, until now.
Lala:Can’t tell in 2 words )) My game history is too long) I can tell a lot about it... but I don’t want xD My first and last mod was (is) excessive plus)
Nymph:First to say I hate playing games. In fact, before I started to play i hated very much her . I started playing quake 3 arena before 3 months of pure curiosity. Trying to figure out what my bf is interesting in this game. So one day I did experience and each experience I liked more ... but i'm not crazy on this game! Very quickly weary of the games, not will be different and this... .This is generally the history of my gaming life хахахах
Natali:I'm a girl who loves life) I'm different) Can be very sweet and can be very, very nasty) grrr)) Some of q3 players already knows it) So be careful
First time I tried to play Q3 with my fiends about 7 years ago. But I did’t like it because they killed me all time and i forgot about this game).
2.How you get involved in such ‘’bloody’’ game…who recommended you this game?Or you just saw it on internet…and said…lets give it a try…?
IN:My husband played this game, and then he invited me to try it out... He never thinked that I will love this game…and I'll compete with them : )
Lala:Quake 3 is one of my favourite games) I decided try to play it when I have internet) So It was just my wish)
Nymph:As i said above by my bf
Natali:Last year in October a bad thing happened in my life. I was alone at home. Was night and raining. I was scared and didn’t want to sleep and want to talk with someone. And then I remember one game where always a lot of people and very funny. OMG it was Q3
3.What think your friends that you play Quake III Arena and specially, what think your boyfriend? And parents?...
IN:In the evenings, we played together. And the parents really do not know about our hobby. My nephew is proud that his aunt plays in Quake clan, but with friends the topic has not been discussed, so they don’t know about it.
Lala:My parents don’t know about this) I don’t live with them) Friends? Only 2 of all my real friends know this) First time they were wondered: “how can u play all night in this??? Awww again was in q3 yesterday night?? =\” ))
Nymph:I have no friends who play this game.And as for my boyfriend - I guess enjoys .. guess:D
Natali:My friends have nothing against Quake)) They understand my passion Parents of course dislike q3
4 Tell us about your hobbies and what you do in your free time when you are not in ‘’Quake World’’
IN:I am engaged in sports tourism. Hiking in the mountains and lakes, competition in the woods and on rocks, singing by the campfire, wet tents and heavy backpacks - all this romance for me and about me. But now I have a forced break, the child was born. My daughter grows up, and we usually go to camping with her.
Lala:Which hobbies can lazy Russian girl have? Sleep, sleep and sleep all free time ZzzZZzZZzzz....
Nymph:Very few things I like to do. There is nothing better than a sleep .... I love to sleep(if this number for a hobby). The same is true for taking a shower. Photography is my kind of passion, love to shoot. Makeup <3 My hair is my hobbie
Natali:I very like to paint. To spend time with friends. Also I adore shopping
This year I finished university. Happy times Soon I will work and won't be able to spend a lot of time in q3
5 When you come to Excessive Plus at first time, what was your first impression?
IN:Wow people are playing. That's what I want!
Lala:wooooooO_o What? Where? Who? O_x high ping, default cfg, a lot of crazy ppl, lazers, big bada booms everywhere O_o I was shocked and left server and exit)))
Nymph:-"What is this crap"!
Natali:I was full noob but I like all It was great and very funny. First anger about campers and cheaters. I remember that
6 Why you choose this mod? And decided to stay.
IN:I like the server…, it seems, was called nature. There I meet friends avid Quakers, and was too lazy to look for something else : )
Lala:This mod is only one which i tried to play.
Nymph:I havn`t played in others lol
Natali:This is first mod of q3 which I play. Simple and funny. And cuz I met many new friends. They hold me here
7 What do you like / dislike in E+ mod? And in Community/Forum?
IN:You need to think much and make tactic and aim well in this game so is interesting to play it. A forum / community I'm rarely on forums and I know bad English Language, and the time for all missing.
Lala:I don’t like that there are much people who behave as a “Im a cool guy! You are noob.. and you. noobs” on top positions in game stats. I want to see more friendly nice people here.
Nymph:I like the forum, but is fully committed to the game and I am somewhat boring.
Natali:As I said before I like all in this mod. Maybe I have not enough experience to see some mistakes of E+ mod
8 What would you like to change in E+?
IN:Let minds think, and I'll test of invention and ideas of developers e+.
Lala:Hm.. interesting question)) Better not to talk about this now.. I think its more private ) One thing I want here more than everything... One or two Russian popular servers where I could play with low ping) then I will have advantage on foreign guests with “yellow” ping and maybe lala could be known as Mrs Laktos hahaha
Nymph:I want more intense black, because black color stimulates my nerve impulses. I'm sick to be so calm lol
9 Which first gametype have you played when you arrived to E+ mod ? that involved you to stay here?
IN:At first it was FFA, then TDM. Now on this gametypes I don’t play…now I play freeze tag.
Lala:First gametype I’ve played was Capture The Flag. Yes, Team play was and still interesting for me.
Nymph:I play only freeze tag rail only No other play because they are too difficult to me and dynamics ,are not so calm.
Natali:It was Capture the flag. Until now play sometimes in this gametype)
10 In what clans have you been? And teams? : >
IN:I am a conservative person. There have been no changes neither in clan nor the team.
Lala:_SMC_, Bsod, FWT, VAMP
Nymph:I am currently in INK clan and SPPGT team. I don`t like clans and special teams. Too many people in one place hahahh
Natali:PSY clan. My first rail only clan) But I leave PSY because it became inactive. Now I member of IS clan and co-leader of Banana Team. Also member of Super Team, SPPGT and Ukraine National Team.
11 What you think about the team SPPGT and SPBBT ? Do you girls enjoy kicking boys asses?
IN:This is a very good idea to combine all the girls Quakers, so we can show our feminine virtue, not only on heels in real life, but with arms in a virtual world : ) and kicking boys asses : )
Lala:It was good idea to create united girls team) Its funny and interesting to play with girls in one team)
Nymph:I don`t like boys girls division, never put people under a common denominator: Each according to their abilities, this is strictly individual.
Natali:YEAH!!! I believe a day will come when girls will tear boys like kittens
12 Are you agree that Quake game is made for boys? That girls have nothing to do here…
IN:Well, in the next fun war, girls will answer this question : )
Lala:Of course not) or what are we (girls) doing here?
Nymph:perhaps ,by boys for boys хахах
Natali:If I believed it then did ‘t play in q3. But many girls proved that they no less skilled than boys.
13 You are more of Plus or Rail?
IN:Im more plus player, but I try to train my rail skills also : )
Lala:I like to use almost all weapons in game.. so I usually choose servers with all weapons)
Natali:Love rail)) but I play Plus too. But worse.
14 Do You like items in game? like armour and health to play with.
IN:Armor and health rarely help me to survive. Probably because I can not properly and quickly eat them : )))))
Lala:I like it when i find it earlier than my enemy) Some servers has too much items ans powerups on all maps. I think its unfair... sometimes you should shoot 2-4 times to kill your enemy while you dont have armor for example. Of course you have less chanses to win.
Nymph:Ignore these things , I dont care less!
Natali:When I use items I like it. But when it use somebody another...
15 Do You like powerups in game? Which powerup is your favourite one, and why?
IN:The speed.Its help me very quickly running from frags : )
Lala:I like) Hmm I cant choose one))) All of them are good bonus in game)
Natali:I like invisibility and quad damage. Thnx developers of q3 for them
16 What’s your favourite gametype? And why?
IN: I like play in freeze tag. But when I have a bad mood, I love to go to make a row in the ffa
Lala:Capture The Flag, Team Death Match and Freeze tag of course)
Nymph:gametype 8 cuz i like my pink rail
Natali:Of course it freeze tag. Cuz when I’m frozen I have time to do some things for example manicure joking)
17 What’s your favourite weapon and why?
IN:Rail is a power. And accurate rail is a big power : ))
Lala:I like to kill my enemies with railgun cuz it’s faster weapon and 80-90% player will be killed when you shoot. I like lightingun and rocket launcher) dunno why, just like to killl with it) And of course Gauntlet) Always funny to play against your enemy with it)
Nymph:My nails kidding
Grenades, because I can`t use them
Natali:Strange question for rail player) But in plus I like shotgun and rocket launcher. Shotgun is good in small distances and rocket launcher sometimes LOL. For example you shoot at random and by chance someone hits the rocket. It’s funny)
18 You think, the use of TS (Team Speak) in wars helps to the team?
IN:oh yeah! This is a good means of an outlet for emotions:) And the team play, I think it helps for sure yes. : )
Lala:Of course! Its great help And more than help... it’s sometimes interesting and funny to play wars with TS. I like when my clanmates joking in TS))) haha much laugh))
Nymph:I do not use this thing and I not intend to use it!
Natali:I think that helps but if you speak only in the case. But sometimes distracts when someone laughs out loud or telling stupid things
19 In your opinion which clan in Plus side is the best? And in rail side?
IN:I am very ashamed, but I did not watch the rank on : /
Lala:“Best” doesn’t mean “Strong”... Dunno what to say... I know not so much players in all famous clans here to make general desision about all clans. But in all cases the Best clan in plus side for me is MY Clan – JUMPS)) Rail side... don’t know... unique maybe xD reallly hard to say)
Nymph:I dont care!
Natali:Plus clan... hmm.. Mb F2b or MR. In rail side of course is my new clan IS and of course BananaClan
20 Who is your favourite player in e+? and the most skilled one?
IN:See previous answer.. : P
Lala:I have one favourite player.... He was/is/will be best, favourite and skilled player for me. But I can’t say his nick
Nymph:My baby tatau
Natali:I haven’t “favourite” player in e+. But I like game Skull, Fala or Pussy(Notice from Me and Darky,Pussy is BC Polish member)
21 Do you like QL? Or other mods?
IN:not tried to play in QL. Other mods not for me, I used to play in the e +, so long life E+!!!
Lala:I’ve played some time quake live. Now I don’t. Does it mean that I don’t like it?)))
Nymph:what is this ?
Natali:Never play in QL. Tried to play in defrag but unsuccessfully ) Want to learn
22 What mouse you use? Tell us more about your mouse settings?
IN:Mouse gave to me my husband, configured it for me, and the rest I can not touch : )
Lala:Hehe) One my good friend told me that he started to respect me more when I said about, my mouse)) Logitech RX250? About 2 years. But its died some days ago xD I need a new mouse!!!! I’m a noob in choosing mouse... nothing know about this))) No one want to help lala with advice!!! :’( I can’t choose and buy new mouse xD
I won’t tell you my mouse settings )))) Don’t ask me why)
Nymph:Razer deathadder .I don`t understand from mouse. 1000hz , 1800dpi if sufficient
Natali:I use Razer Copperhead with dpi 800, sens 4.8888 and accel
23 What mousepad you use? Its good for your mouse?
IN:I prefer to play without mousepad : P
Lala:Wood mousepad. It’s table ))) Maybe I will buy one with mouse)
Nymph:I do not know what is..,but my perfect fit
Natali: I use Razer Mantis Speed and think it is good for my mouse. When I didn’t have this mouspad I used the sens 6,6. But then I have to reduce to 4.8888. I think now is better
24 Thank you for your answers, any last words to add…or thanks to someone?
IN:Thank you all who have finished reading my interview to the end, but who do not read - let's meet on the battlefield : )
Lala:Thanks 1331 who showed me excessiveplus and great thanks to my friends and just friendly persons here who makes my quake3 life more interesting, funny and crazy sometimes. Thank you for unforgettable times!
Nymph:This will be the most bizarre interview I guess. хахахах
Natali:Thanks to all e+ community especially Black Rose and Dark Angel. Love u guys Thnx to leader of IS clan – Hell. Thank you for accepting me in the clan)) And thnx Panda for Open box megarail – my first server in e+
[MR.]CAMEL created very interesting news!!! You shoud watch this! Short news in a quick movie, watch on: C+ TV
Thank You for
Best wishes,
B|_ACK|¯OSE and D@|¯K@NGE|_
good job.
yes i agree with Matty please dont provide the reff passwords .. also please change these ref passwords .. only the referees must know them .. the join password is ok but the refpassword shouldnt be made public.. (because many bad things could happen in the cws like .. specting enemy team)
except that GJ! nice news as always
for new ppl: you see we have girls in e+ too that pwns!! <3<3<3
2 Natali: i remeber old times when Dea and Connie pwned me in 1v1 like masters! they still rocks! so girls can do it. don't give up!
lol i forgot to say something:
Good job and good job Camel, lol at his news.

yes i agree with Matty please dont provide the reff passwords .. also please change these ref passwords .. only the referees must know them .. the join password is ok but the refpassword shouldnt be made public.. (because many bad things could happen in the cws like .. specting enemy team)
except that GJ! nice news as always
for new ppl: you see we have girls in e+ too that pwns!! <3<3<32 Natali: i remeber old times when Dea and Connie pwned me in 1v1 like masters!
they still rocks! so girls can do it. don't give up!
yes a lot of girls playing around here soon they will pwn boys team....epsik we need help next time! with many cookies xD
and yes about password...omg didnt noticed :///////////////////// soorryp
long interview hhe
great work, newsmakers. camel ownz
"Natali:YEAH!!! I believe a day will come when girls will tear boys like kittens."
eep! .
Camel news is great
Hmm, if NWC play in RTFC, that mean they are not plus clan? You put them in plus clan searching for players and this mean that they are plus & rail clan I think...