Fragfest Mapping ?
I try to find since 3 days a big, good map in winter style for the before x-mas Fragfest in Dezember and now i want to give up becuase there isnt good ones.
so thats the reason i post here to find a good mapper to make in a short dev time a map for that fragfest for next month or have a good idea what we can do ?
I think you don't need to make new one. The witnersedge map is great proposition for fragfest in winter style and special for x-mas maybe you will be interested in this, it's really nice map for you
Map is in E+ FTP. And here are few screens from this map:
F1 good idea.
dm0 or ospra
32 players map
move it to q3 -> cut off half map -> and we still have big map for winter fragfests
What's about "Distant Screams" (Team Arena) or "Silent Night" (Quake Live) ? It's a huge map, maybe the hugest one.
Nice Thank you..
But the Problem is following:
Suggested Player Load: 2-6
i think i cant hold 25-30 Players there
So we need a mapper who can add more connections and spawnpoints !
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