HK vs Fear Volume 2?
HK Vs Fear friendly CW ?
if yes....
then , it will be xpcpm.cfg (clan arena like , cpm config). rasmil knows the server and config.
ra3map1, ra3map11, (HK) choice..u can add more ra3maps or cpm maps of your choice.
200 fraglimit.
pb on , pure, friendly fire on.
next saturday.8 CET , gmt-1
test config on server wich is pasted on my signature.
Joa Casa its nice Idea, but i musst first find more players for this....
The old FEAR members are Inactivie or away from FEAR....I serach new players all Times but i dosent Find Good Clanless Players .....
When we Enaugh Players than I talk to you in msn
Good luck RASMIL to find new players.
This is hard work.
I think my First Clan *FEAR* is dead...
R.I.P. :salute:
Yes FEAR is closed!
Rasmil play now by *CSA*!
Sorry Guys!
Yes FEAR is dead!!!!!!
but i cant delete in ClanDB we lost password!!
have enough players now?