holy shit sound
29. January 2008 - 17:36
Hey ppl,
can someone tell me where to find the holy-shit sound from q3? I'm unable to locate it in the pak0-files :-k would like to use it on my new clan-page.
29. January 2008 - 18:23
holy shit sound
Quake III Arena\baseq3pak4.pk3 sound\feedback\voc_holyshit.wav
29. January 2008 - 21:53
holy shit sound
lol thats cool. nice work
by the way, how do zenox feel about a freeze tag fw against x? let me know on msn! (or i'll bug you about it on thursday )
Thank you :thumbright: I only expected it in the pak0-files.
When you move your cursor really fast over the menu points, you'll get your holy shit I dont know if I'll keep this until release, it was only a funny idea
pimp your inGame-binds with quakesay!
new: pimp your nickname with quakecolor!