{{Keres & Agness Blah-Blahs}}
This is the ultimate Spam thread. But, as moderator I can do that.
So Agness, how is the weather in Poland these days?
haha! gg girl Very hot I must say. I have always sun on my screen Perfect weather to spend time in water but unluckily I don't have any holidays by my work ;/
Yes I like very much and I found that you're really cool girl
Awww Michigan& Detroit nice. I live in southern part of Poland and you nothern I'm 26 , working in printing house as layout maker.
what, you must be joking! you don't look like 30 o0 maby that's true that quake keeps us young
sure that I'd like to chat with you on msn! and here too
Here is
Tori and Ani.
I just missed the Ani show in NYC last week. I was gonna go, had a ticket for me and everything -- alas, no money.
fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Hello my friends.
Hi Whimp!
I'm sorry Kerry but I needed turn off my PC. Something's wrong with my system, need to reinstal ;/
Glad you like the thread... My screen faces the window-so no worries about the sun glaring on my screen. I am in Michigan. It has been 90 degrees fahrenheight/32 degrees Celsius here lately. That's hot for this state. What is your job, if you don't mind me asking?