map loading problem
Hey everyone!
Hopefully someone can help me. I have quite a few maps loaded and properly set in my baseq3 folder. All the servers I play on can access them just fine except for 2!Sweet. Everytime it loads a custom map it tells me it can't find it.
I was given the suggestion to put them in the e+ folder, which I did, only there is no change. The maps still won't load.
Is there something obvious I'm missing?
Thanks in advance!
the map files should be in baseq3 folder, should work fine.
dont know any reason why it shouldnt work for 2!s (maybe its pure? but i dont think so)
is there any more information u can give?
maybe you have another version of this maps (different file names). The best was how to play on our servers is, if you join 2!Sweet clan website download rubric and download it manualy (fater than download via autodownload). There you can download all maps which is in rotation
I'm not sure what other information I should give?
My map files are all in the baseq3 folder and they work fine on any other server.