March Madness FragFest
Hello guys, I've been kinda inactive atm in quake. but I hope to make it to the fest, If im invited ofc :roll: ...peace...
When our practice was over I went there but server was almost empty, anyways well done killer, sorry i wasn't there.
Sorry Killer, when I was ready to play the server was full and Sandrine couldn't join, so we played at HK and I checked regulary if slots were open, but it never happened until we decided to go to Deex Sorry mate, I missed something damn good! Hope to see this for April!
Games were good dinner was great in the middle also stuffing my face woo.. Would have been nice if a few more slots for the FragFest.. Had a couple msns from people wanting in
Overall very gg's and fun
I'm sure way more people would have joined if it would have been possible!
This kind of thing is what I was trying to explain to some months ago. I loved it! We need to do it again. We setup a couple more servers this weekend. Maybe we can brainstorm together and setup another fun frag day real soon. As always I had awesome time thanks Killer...<3
I really enjoyed it. It was a great way to immediately immerse yourself in a new config. Can't wait for the next one. \:D/
Quite a few players who have not posted here are also interested in the FragFest.
I hope some of them will take advantage of the rotation file and configs that I provided for download and at least setup their local PC as a test server.
If all you have played is deexslds and plus then I guarantee that m0ve and e5r will be a shock to your system. The CTF maps should also be hilarious as nwc+ has no multi-jumps and some players are sure to be confused with Return The Flag and One Flag CTF at least initially.