New clan members comments (nov2008 - may2013)
Thnks illca, we search good and active player
Thnks illca, we search good and active player
extreme!stqrm -> stqrm, due to inactivity
dawg wtf ?
i hope he gets active again, or is active HF
ofc he are
aww Crowbar... leaving BOS was really bad decision imo. but gl with that man. i hope that u will realise someday that u did bad
Dud, he have this reasons to leave. And how much times you made bad decisions and left clans i guess better not comment and not count, so pls shut up about good or bad decisions.
PS. Crow, nekreipk į jį dėmesio. Jis pats išėjo iš vieno klano 3 kart ir paskui grįžo, pakeitė gal 20 klanų ir vienu metu bandė būt dviejose vieno cfg klanuose fakindamas, pagautas išėjo iš vieno iš klanų, pasižadėjo būt kitam ir po poros dienų išėjo iš antro ir nuėjo į trečią.
wrote:aww Crowbar... leaving BOS was really bad decision imo. but gl with that man. i hope that u will realise someday that u did badDud, he have this reasons to leave. And how much times you made bad decisions and left clans i guess better not comment and not count, so pls shut up about good or bad decisions.
omnomnom i bet u can beat me omnomnom <3
If you talking about me or you left more clans, then definitely you are unbeatable champion here. If you talking about game skill, i totally #care how good or bad i am
If you talking about me or you left more clans, then definitely you are unbeatable champion here. If you talking about game skill, i totally #care how good or bad i am
man shhh, close ur eyes and just imagine... beauty world with a lot of birds and green trees... isnt it beautiful?
Welcome Seebz and Honey in MR
Mr. really needs actually a MRs. sections or is supercunt Mistress already inactiv again?
Gl and HF (seriosly) @ honey
DAWG clan --> Heaven Legend --> closed.
Hl*zaxtor --> zaxtor
Hl*wiatrak --> wiatrak
Hl*khaazar --> khaazar
Hl*crowbar --> crowbar
Hl*stqrm --> stqrm
Hl*cola --> colaGl hf for find a new family.
Now its hard for me to find a new clan