New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
AlienM look here! here you have New Clan Members topic it was only 1 position down than topic related to comments
sorry for that we didnt played so much maybe other time.
GL with searching new clan
inFected'Dev3h --> LoVe'Dev3h
thx and gl
Deveh was kicked from LoVe ( and as i heard from this community actually banned for a year - sorry didnt know that and actually were surprised when he asked to add him to LoVe clan in 1.32 under nick alpha (same Deveh).
hey m8 ))
Welcome METROKID in InstaStars as full member!
they don't have e- accounts yet, but since there are scheduling rules for the OSRC, and i wouldn't want the guys to be penalised in week 2, i'd like to announce the following people as in "pizdec4life":
Arronax & tripleSex
Kicked for being an arrogant asshole and unseen story teller and make it "your priority".
Basically kicked for not showing up to clean his/her ass from accusations of cheating... we don't need your problems, even if u are not guilty it doesn't explain why u suddenly vanished from e+
I don't like this new members topic, worse than twitter, can't there just be a log on clandb when each player was added?
anyways, 3m'toxic -> p[4]l kassaRY
#smockweedEVERYDAY #UMIRIN? #360noscope @SeltzerPlease @follow2gd @supesdf
So, we get this alone dude to our nest.
Nether -> mi3'Nether