New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
inactivity...i want play something on this mode rail guyz so gl
DRT*Kickz --> -C4-KICKZ
Raz * Xfusion Raz Raz . Rs
Y-Raikee -> *ZMB*Raikee (trial)
Welcome to the home of goodlooking
Note to all players that wanted to join zmb: Recruitment from now on is CLOSED, we don't seek any more players, thank you
*ZMB*Crucifix - inactive
*iF~crucifix! - inactive
Very sad, but true I've moved to the other 'city' for a year and there is just a mobile net... I have 200ping so it's impossible to play.
It's mostly sad for me cuz ZMB is for me very important and was progressing well on plus.
Hope that i will stay around.. :roll:
M[]R * Hyde ---> Hyde noclan
M[]R * RoNiN ---> Ronin noclan
M[]R * DuDek ---> Dudek noclan
M[]R * Fazjer ---> Fazjer noclan
M[]R * Beyco ---> Beyco noclan
2eX update!
2eX'T'Mlody --> 2eX*Mlody
u did a great job mate!
hf ass a fullmember and lets kick asses
Fresh . RS Fresh