Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III

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Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
DeFrag player wrote:

Sorry, but this IU cfg on SF server seems to be orginal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIO2nBvlZNg

DannyF played without enemymodels? wow

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III

We're here to play iFT in a universally-accepted format, not bfg about.
I'll make a proposition: p4l will make a showmatch vs any clan here. First part will be a 20 minute TDM map on whatever config the opponent chooses (sneakyrail, bananarail, plusN, plusC whatever) (keep in mind that me and PAVLIK))) are the only people to ever play plus, and he hasn't done it in years) and the second part in a 20 minute on the popularised vq3 TDM settings (80dmg rail, 30sec weapon respawns).

and @echo: If anything, it was an independant observation, rather than a provocation, especially since 1) there was already the drama by the xenophobes during the last cup and 2) this thread falls outside their realms of interest so not even sure why alienm/rayden/bopoh would read this thread in the first place if their clans hate and don't play railonly and play railonlybfgnade.


nonsense repellent declamatory

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
equinox wrote:

DeFrag player wrote:

Sorry, but this IU cfg on SF server seems to be orginal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIO2nBvlZNg

DannyF played without enemymodels? wow

This movie is about spawnkill?

silence is better than bullshit

Joined: Jul 2011
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III

ICTF always about spawn kills, you cant do it in other way on any insta cfg.

Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

We're here to play iFT in a universally-accepted format, not bfg about.
I'll make a proposition: p4l will make a showmatch vs any clan here. First part will be a 20 minute TDM map on whatever config the opponent chooses (sneakyrail, bananarail, plusN, plusC whatever) (keep in mind that me and PAVLIK))) are the only people to ever play plus, and he hasn't done it in years) and the second part in a 20 minute on the popularised vq3 TDM settings (80dmg rail, 30sec weapon respawns).

and @echo: If anything, it was an independant observation, rather than a provocation, especially since 1) there was already the drama by the xenophobes during the last cup and 2) this thread falls outside their realms of interest so not even sure why alienm/rayden/bopoh would read this thread in the first place if their clans hate and don't play railonly and play railonlybfgnade.

When you speak about AlienM you speak about all SB clan, When you speak about Boroh you speak about TwT clan and when you speak about Rayden youspeak about all RSQT clan. So be carefull your words coz you have some friends inside those clans.

You say why i read this coz its a topic and i read the posts to see how this cup will go/news and cheanges of the cup. You think i dont want join? You are wrong. Rsqt first is inactive and the only way to play Cw is if i see people online all of them only then we play. Second i suggest to make this cup TDM or maybe Ctf (it will be interesting ctf coz we will see who konws how to strafe) this time you and you and your friends stared the drama coz they dont know how to play tdm or ctf coz they are stuck only Ftag/ql, ftag/ql, ftag/ql, nothing else. I am always open for something new and fresh thats why i am bored this event. We had it 2 times and personally i dont want 3rd time the same thing. Who is the xenophovic now? Who is the stupid now? who is the narrowminded now? Who is the man who eats only shits coz he doesnt like spagetti? You and some others.

Also i dont trust and i dont like Mzi and Zarzyn. Remember Mzi was mutliclaning/facknicking with Panda clan and nonone told anythign about it. Few days before we had the mess with the pk3s ( even if they denied using them) but still in my eyes and 90% eyes of the community are CHEATERS. And I will join to there event? NEVER. AND YOU ALL STILL TRUST THEM?

Also i am not the guy who creates clans and after that close them like you. RSQT is a stable clan and its not like your bullshits clan you create. Plz when you speak about RSQT first clean your mouth show little respect for what we did in the past ( wins, looses, how long we are open etc..) and then talk. After this event you will close P4L clan and when new event will start you will open P6L clan. What a pathetic guy you are and your players.

I didnt wanted to speak with this way but Shady is the guy who opens the fire and he thinks he is right all the time always thats makes me mad.

Real life is more important then Virtual life
Dont forget that

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
Rayden was here wrote:

(...)make this cup TDM or maybe Ctf (it will be interesting ctf coz we will see who konws how to strafe)(...)

xdd couldn't stop myself mate xd but from RSQT
xed - no way
hyde - no way
zydek - not likely
oops it's your first squad xd so better stay away from strafe-jumping clan wars Tongue

mzi's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
Rayden was here wrote:

Also i dont trust and i dont like Mzi and Zarzyn. Remember Mzi was mutliclaning/facknicking with Panda clan and nonone told anythign about it. Few days before we had the mess with the pk3s ( even if they denied using them) but still in my eyes and 90% eyes of the community are CHEATERS. And I will join to there event? NEVER. AND YOU ALL STILL TRUST THEM?

multiclaning? fakenicking? are u ok? how? i was in panda3 and only there. r2 was a team in that time. what wa bullshit dude. i could have name whatever i wanted so stfu, dont provoke me and piss me off. if u dont want take part in this event then dont comment and leave this topic. what a guy wtf.

u are just loooser. thats all. go and play your circus with clowns. gl. eot

E+?? And this is ur the rank moderator?? its some kind of joke? only and alwyas insults from him without any reasons and proofs. good choice.

DeFrag player
Joined: Jan 2012
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
Rayden was here wrote:

Also i dont trust and i dont like Mzi and Zarzyn. Remember Mzi was mutliclaning/facknicking with Panda clan and nonone told anythign about it. Few days before we had the mess with the pk3s ( even if they denied using them) but still in my eyes and 90% eyes of the community are CHEATERS. And I will join to there event? NEVER. AND YOU ALL STILL TRUST THEM?

Yhm ... always slow railers are bad ... (xD)

Rayden was here wrote:

Second i suggest to make this cup TDM or maybe Ctf (it will be interesting ctf coz we will see who konws how to strafe)

iTDM cup ... bad idea - try to answer why QL people didnt play iTDM ? (or maybe im wrong? Shady should know more about that) - iDM is better (-> fragfest)

iCTF cup ... good idea, but iCTF clans mostly play here -> http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12914 ... maybe this small community will participate this idea http://instagib.pl/ (but im not sure - .16 OSP players)

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III

multiacounting for sure, and this is working against the rules of this board.
but, yea Happy you was super cool when in first 5 minuts no1 was know that is you and surf and others with fake nicks and fake accounts at e+ to make panda3 clan

but pls, do not overreact kid and do not left leading of another cup cuz of few noobs and trolls around Winking i belive in you!

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: Old School Rail CUP O.S.R.C III
Rayden was here wrote:

Second i suggest to make this cup TDM or maybe Ctf (it will be interesting ctf coz we will see who konws how to strafe) this time you and you and your friends stared the drama coz they dont know how to play tdm or ctf coz they are stuck only Ftag/ql, ftag/ql, ftag/ql, nothing else. I am always open for something new and fresh thats why i am bored this event.

What is this I don't even

Rayden was here wrote:

Also i dont trust and i dont like Mzi and Zarzyn. Remember Mzi was mutliclaning/facknicking with Panda clan and nonone told anythign about it. Few days before we had the mess with the pk3s ( even if they denied using them) but still in my eyes and 90% eyes of the community are CHEATERS. And I will join to there event? NEVER. AND YOU ALL STILL TRUST THEM?

MZI was in PANDA3 but not multiclannig, since R2 was no longer active at the time and not entered in the cup?. And I have no idea about any messes with .pk3s due to no longer paying attention to e+ and community (minus selected threads) so I won't make an official statement, but considering your reasoning and logic, pretty sure it's nothing but random excessive drama.

Rayden was here wrote:

Also i am not the guy who creates clans and after that close them like you. RSQT is a stable clan and its not like your bullshits clan you create. Plz when you speak about RSQT first clean your mouth show little respect for what we did in the past ( wins, looses, how long we are open etc..) and then talk. After this event you will close P4L clan and when new event will start you will open P6L clan. What a pathetic guy you are and your players.

Neither your event nor does your mod regulated p4l and considering we've played 2 HoQ cups and 2 clanbase leagues(4 in total) within the past 3 months and plan to enter more (this + more HoQ events), and is a direct extension of #ank (with the same mindset and lineup) that goes back to 2008, I'm pretty sure p6L won't be created just yet.

Rayden was here wrote:

I didnt wanted to speak with this way but Shady is the guy who opens the fire and he thinks he is right all the time always thats makes me mad.

I wasn't didn't wanteded-ed (QUINTUPLE PAST TENSE!) to ego-trip either, but seems certain people here have no poise and any random observation involving your clan is a personal blood feud. (at least thank fuck dunno and mi3 didn't rage at me saying their clans were inactive or not that much into this config). If you're so offended at what I wrote, just go for the plus/bananarail/sneakyrail TDM challenge I mentioned in last post Smug

DeFrag player wrote:

iTDM cup ... bad idea - try to answer why QL people didnt play iTDM ? (or maybe im wrong? Shady should know more about that) - iDM is better (-> fragfest)

iCTF cup ... good idea, but iCTF clans mostly play here -> http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=12914 ... maybe this small community will participate this idea http://instagib.pl/ (but im not sure - .16 OSP players)

We had 46 TDM clans sign up into this season's HoQ TDM league. If it was instaTDM, I doubt there'd be have 4-6. InstagibTDM isn't very popular because of simplified dynamics and prequisities for camping and unexciting gameplay. iCTF is popular over on quakelive because of the pickup community @ #instagib.ql but its popularity is still a fraction of all-weapons CTF.

There's a HoQ iFT league in a concept for promotion as a "lighthearted" quakelive team game, that if marketed correctly, would attract a large amount of signups, BUT I'd have to kickstart it, and time is limited and my friend is pushing for continuation of CPM FIGHTCLUB series, I'm involved in HoQ streaming as well as the ZOWIE QL duel series (every saturday after DH), NPTV podcasts+shows AND it's coursework and exam season in December so my time is being turbo-raped right now, so don't be surprised if it never comes out : [


nonsense repellent declamatory