PB problem
Can somebody help me with this chit,(see pic) Pb is installed, updated and enabled, just don't know what the problem is.
tried to reinstall pb, tried new cd keys but it wont work.
Its just fucked up.
Hope to have some answers soon
thx m8s
just type in console
easiest quake problem and solution ever ?
Hehehe : > Here is easy way to do.
When u see this screen:
1. Press ESC.
2. Then click on multiplayer.
3. Press space.
4. And there u have PunkBuster: Disable press there and when it ask u for confirm press Yes. xD
Connect again to server : >>
probably you enabled it only for e+ dir cfg.
start quake normaly by clicking on quake3.exe in C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena
then go to multiplayer and enable pb.
restart quake. its should be enabled now.
also make sure your q3config.cfg in baseq3 and excessiveplus are not set to read only. dont know if that can matter.
What OS? vista maybe?, if not is pb and q3 allowed on your firewall exceptions list?
Did you remember to install PB under "Administrator" account?
Otherwise punkbusterA and punkbusterB exes wont load.
Nope dudes it doesnt work, im telling you there's something fucked up..
That's what the prob is pb is enabled and updated but it won't work..
im gonna kick pb's ass