Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

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Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

Nah. At least, people are forced to control an item, and that's much more in terms of gameplay depth than controlling spawns. As for switch spam, add rail reload delay and increase switch times.

Of course, now we're getting into a territory 90% of plus players marked as "do not want". Confused

Btw, m0ve != plus with discussed modifications.

Joined: Oct 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

The core gameplay of excessive is not about picking up items anyway.

Ofc m0ve != plus but the armor system can give an idea of how it looks. Also the official e5r has no instarail, only 300 dmg, and this makes automatically people switch to mg no matter what happens (with a bfg and sg shot in the same 1ms obviously, it's e5r Laughing ).

Modifying switch and rail at same time would be a major change, and the CMC made me feel like Plus doesnt need such a major change (it's balanced enough for me but some minor changes are welcome).

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

Plus is a very balanced config, that's true, but my whole point is, the gameplay itself is becoming (actually, for me, is for a very long time) increasingly stale. It's really not much more than camp+spam. There's still skill to what you do, but seriously..

I do realize that items were never a part of of E+ gameplay (except powerups and health on some configs), i see them as a tool to make playing the game more interesting, that's all. It's not like there are that many options to eliminate or, at least, reduce the otherwise common camping and spamming, since the main perpetrators are easily identifiable as insta rail, fast switch times, and general lack of motivation to move around the maps.

I realize that would change the gameplay many people are used to by now, but lately, more people are losing interest in playing, than people are getting it, so i think it's about time for drastic changes.

Only thing i'm afraid of, is, that would split the community, much like e6 did in the 'excessive-like' part of E+.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

since plus.cfg as itself will stay "nearly" untouched OR even untouched, there is not much to discuss about. this is, why i think "plus2.cfg" could be a solution if it gets delivered with normal plus.cfg and later with the mod itself.

but it will take time until the suggestions of people will find the way in plus2.cfg, it is still not clear if there will be even 2 configs, since flex and I, we both have not much time currently, since it takes a lot of communication between the teamm8s to find a final way.

so, u both, mad and ash, stop breaking ur heads, since we will look to find the best possible middleway.

and it is not about splitting community, it is something about the nature of e+, the flexibility.

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
DE Germany
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions


This is NO little thing!!!
Arrow its like a CASTRATION!

What "BUG" are u talkin about?
I never recognized any bug!!!

Its such a GREAT function for the game:
to be able to drop the powerup and not to lose it.-
That gives the game more Action!

You cant stop this point ...with the already existin CONFs.
I think of different gametypes ...
and some may work just over those Conf-settings.
But now you start to delete all those usefull functions/settings.

So start thinkin about NEW CONFs.

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

What "BUG" are u talkin about?
I never recognized any bug!!!

The bug is a pretty major one, it allows you to spawn an infinite amount of powerups.

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
DE Germany
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

CRAAAAAP! :geek:

Powerups vanish after a certain time ...
and that time can be set-up in the CONF too (i think).-

Further those cmds could also be included to the rotation-file
(suggestion for e+team)...
so every server can have his own rules about DROP
AND other things (like new SIMILAR nice functions/settings)
that make the game more interestin! Winking

And about "CTF": make another "plus"-version for it!

You leave the server-admin no chance
to decide if they want this function to be disabled!
>Rename that new version, pls! :blackeye:

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

read it again please, before u do ur next post insanekid Happy

anyway, this bug allows you to throw arround with invisibilitys for exampel, it is bullshit even if the pu would vansish quickly, the bugger can use it anyway.

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
DE Germany
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

Thats the GAME!
What are u afraid of?-

Ofc it only works coz ID hasnt thought about this before!-
BUT its a KEWL and FUNNY function
that can give the game the special treat we are searchin for!!!

Joined: Apr 2005
Plus.cfg Download and Suggestions

Insanekid you far...the funniest person on the forum Big grin

You remind me of Austin Powers somehow. Oh and even Rena sometimes.