plusN.cfg | 2.07
2.07 :
- fix - prerelease 1v1 temporary bugs fix
________________________________________________ update 13:03 21.07.2009
2.06 :
- fix - Start Weapon = WP_PLASMAGUN because order in WP_* atm is wrong and with WP_RAILGUN u do start with LG
________________________________________________ update 18:23 14.06.2009
2.05 :
- new feature - xp_WeaponStyle 1/2/3 :
.1 = CPM Switch style (fast switch from MG-type to POWER-type weapons)
.2 = Excessive Plus 1.02 switch style (fast switch from POWER-type to MG-type weapons, default!)
.3 = Excessive Plus 1.03 switch style (140ms between every weapon)
- change - LG - splash damage reduced 15 -> 10, direct damage increased 25 -> 33
- fix - battle suit protection now works good
- change - physics from 3->7 (u can stop yourself in air now)
- change - spawning with weapon WP_LAST_USED -> WP_RAILGUN
________________________________________________ update 17:40 14.06.2009
2.04 :
- new feature - xp_WeaponStyle 1/2 {1 = CPM Switch style (fast switch from MG-type to POWER-type weapons) / 2 = Excessive Plus switch style (fast switch from POWER-type to MG-type weapons)}
- change - PG, LG, MG switchtimes -> reduced to -1 (~100ms)
________________________________________________ update 16:02 07.06.2009
2.03 :
- change - battlesuit factor 0.5 -> 0.75 (2 rail shots to kill)
- change - health auto regeneration is DISABLED
- change - PG radius 50 -> 60 & speed 2200 -> 2300
- change - QUAD does not increase knockback speed
- change - HEALTH now have fixed amounts {small 15hp, normal 75hp, large 150hp}
- change - MH give 300hp
________________________________________________ update 19:55 06.06.2009
2.02 :
- change – anticamp system from plus.cfg
- change – aside items medkit and teleport all items are spawning on map
- change - powerups that spawn on map: quad, battlesuit (in 1vs1 they’re removed)
- change - +10ms to BFG before time
- change - Spawn Protection 1.1 -> 1.5
- change - Quad Damage has REAL QUAD DAMAGE watch out!
- thanks - once again beer freeze server players for expressing their opinions
- thanks - Mr.Clan for all advices and bug tracking
________________________________________________ update 15:15 03.06.2009
2.01 :
- fix – crushed thawing working in a proper way now
- change – auto thawing time increased 60sec ->75sec
- change – thawing increased 2.2sec ->2.8sec
- change - weapon switch times reduced by 10ms
- change - PG projectiles speed increased 2000 -> 2200
- beer freeze server - thanks a lot for every suggestion
________________________________________________ update 13:48 28.05.2009
2.00 :
- fix - thawing is now separated and works properly
- change - SG damage increased 35->37, spread increased 700->800
- change - RL cycle increased 565->600
- change - PG cycle reduced 130->120
- change - all weapons have their unique switch times, that are combination of fire rate of weapon and weapon damage, lg, mg, pg, gl can be pull out fast, while rg, bfg, sg, rl pull out speed is slower, config is kept in fast switch nature, and in the future pull out times will get increased
________________________________________________ update 7:15 20.05.2009
beta 1.05 :
- removed - team member scores when team scores
- change - 1.1sec (match rail reload) spawn protection in freezeTAG
- change - thaw time 2.2
- change - acid/lava thaw time 4.4sec
________________________________________________ update 17:36 18.05.2009
beta 1.04 :
- fix - fast shot removed
________________________________________________ update 20:44 10.05.2009
beta 1.03 :
- fix - all overpowered weapons knockback now are more balanced
- change - destroyable missile from 0 to 1 (because it has influence on all weapons knockback)
________________________________________________ update 18:00 10.05.2009
beta 1.02 :
- change - sg damage 38 to 35 (to mach exactly plus.cfg)
- removed - spawncamping protection is completely removed
- removed - exploding body removed
________________________________________________ update 15:17 09.05.2009
beta 1.01 :
- fix - removed powerups on start
- change - sg damage from 35 to 38
- removed feature - teleport directions
What is the point of release cfg if i rewrite whole plus (without bugs which u didnt avoid ) to last beta?
What is the point of release cfg if i rewrite whole plus (without bugs which u didnt avoid ) to last beta?
F1, let the real creators of plus.cfg continue their job.
I dont see any benefit of splitting community between 2 almost same cfgs like u try to do. As u know or not due to being "cpma player" this plus cfg was created to standardize the bro side (now called plus side) of this mod. So it does not make sens.

FEL!X wrote:the benefit is that u can correct your mistakes because u can look into mine config and vice versa
there will be split.
ever heard of e5r? e6r?
minor changes split people into liking one config and disliking the other.

ever heard of edawn.cfg ?
talking about minor changes...
I dream of Excessive Plus played the way it's supposed to. People create many many configs and different forms of Q3 playing and play them for the FUN of it. Not like this where we have 2-4 different confs and forget the whole consept of what E+ is. :roll:
censorship on YouTube sucks rabbit balls