
75 replies [Last post]
Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
GB United Kingdom

First hear me out, test the cfg before you say anything.

I don't wanna claim my name on any config or link it to any clan, so I renamed the Author to "Excessive Plus Community" so everyone can be in control.

ProPlus is an attempt to put some skill back into this mod and make it more appealing to other mod players.

Ok, so I took the Plus.cfg and roughly changed a few things.

- Limited the ammo all round
- Increase MG/LG power (for the e5'ers Winking )
- Reduced the ridiculous Regen of rockets (sped them up slightly)
- And other stuff - Try it and see how it feels.


1) I'm sick of Spam
2) I'm sick of players being able to abuse the Spam
3) Better Players should be rewarded for being able to control spam
4) I'm f*****g sick of Unlimited Ammo
5) I know there are at least a handfull of players that would appreciate a despammed cleaner config with limited ammo.

So here we go, It's available to download below.

Suggest and see what happens. Maybe a moderator can be in charge of the final cfg and changes?

Plus cfg Team, (and e+ team if you still exist) It would be really good if you guys get involved with this if it's popular as you are the developers/gurus/gods of E+.

Obviously the name might not be suitable at the moment, so you can change it or whatever.

p.s if you want to post flames, then it's probably best you relieve some tension and jack off instead.


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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Joined: Aug 2006

hey reno, i tested it and i like it, u gotta be more careful with the ammo in this conf, that means u cannot spam randomly. I just don't like much the mg and lg change, at least lg shouldn't have that splash damage, and if more e5 players feel more confortable with that mg it's good, so np.

but anyways it's like always, until u don't test it in a server with a few ppl u won't really know if it works.

keep it Winking


Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006

tested it, nothing special

1) rail gun ammo was fastly empty, even vs bot on dm1! i wasnt able to use rail any more!
2) rockets a lot of to slow, thought of people who want to move with rockets? oO

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

skinnis's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

I think its pretty nice. Although beginners tend to use mg a lot.
I will run it on the Zombie server for evaluation tonight if smone wants to try it out. FFA ofc.

edit: Welcome to my sig Reno! xD

madbringer wrote:

How 'bout you 'bicker' off back to your sandbox, someone is pissing in your little plastic bucket.

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany

sv_maxclients 10 and u can handle the spamm.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

telox's picture
Joined: Jul 2005

Ok, tested just for like 10 min,
I will speak only about things for CTF

things IMO were good for CTF:
- limiting ammo of weapons
- slower cycletime of rockets and bfg
- no anticamp
- bigger lg and mg damage
- smaller bfg and nades damage
- slightly faster rockets

things IMO were not so good for CTF:
- ammo of railgun should be higher
- damage of plasma imo should stay as it is in plus, just slightly faster cycle as it is now in proplus config
- flagdrop time should be set to 10 sec
- no shootgun trails
- remove powerups
- regeneration of some weapons needs more testing

Overall I would say this config is on a good way to limit spam and so make game more professional and enjoyable Winking.

|ZOO| team - Connecting people.

Joined: Jun 2005

Ok, tested just for like 10 min,
I will speak only about things for CTF

things IMO were good for CTF:
- slower cycletime of rockets and bfg

Couldn't disagree more with the slower bfg thing. Plus bfg is already too slow, this one is even worse. For small maps with lots of bfg/bfg combo's this config takes all the speed away.

Plus i wonder if any of you actually feel like playing this config during a clanwar, so not testing it for a few minutes, but actually really playing intense. See i understand the frustration of spam, however if i were to play this config during a CTF war, i see my /kill button getting overly used.

RONiN wrote:

lol@sethy ur too funny man... if i was a woman, you would make me horny.

Joined: Aug 2006
SE Sweden

Tried it for a bit, liked it way way way more than plus.cfg. Good job Happy

crateer's picture
Joined: Aug 2005
Re: ProPlus.cfg
UnknownUser807 wrote:


1) I'm sick of Spam
2) I'm sick of players being able to abuse the Spam
3) Better Players should be rewarded for being able to control spam
4) I'm f*****g sick of Unlimited Ammo
5) I know there are at least a handfull of players that would appreciate a despammed cleaner config with limited ammo.

Go play cpm

Joined: Sep 2005
Re: ProPlus.cfg
Crat wrote:

UnknownUser807 wrote:


1) I'm sick of Spam
2) I'm sick of players being able to abuse the Spam
3) Better Players should be rewarded for being able to control spam
4) I'm f*****g sick of Unlimited Ammo
5) I know there are at least a handfull of players that would appreciate a despammed cleaner config with limited ammo.

Go play cpm


its like walkin into a bread factory and saying, "i'm bored of bread now, lets make cheese instead, its more interesting"

Big grin


unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

Played on the Zombie server and I liked it. Rail slugs should be limited to 20 and I would slightly improve the rockets speed to make it more dangerous and able to aim, not only spam kills. LG and MG rocks (yeah, I'm from e5 Big grin), plasma is better.

And I would turn off the powerups