Rail & Plasmagun effects
Howdy! I couldnt find any information for my question... so i was made to make a topic .... but namely: im looking for "new" (not-original) rail and pplasmagun shooting effects , just like from the get quaked movie:
as u can see, rail with something in kind of coil around, and plasma shooting like hmm... with water or some fluid(4:25 in movie). If someone knows how can i set it in cfg or where i can download files for that i would be very glad (ps. google has been used many times... and nothing)
cg_oldplasma 0 i guess
for the rail: cant be changed in e+
you can change it, but you would no longer have a pure client
Wouldn't there be a way that the + team add for example different rail core, just like old plasma and old lightning at all, or would that still make it unpure?
for what u wanna chage to ? if u wanna make a movie make demos than send in baseq3->demos and seta in baseq3->q3config.cfg cmd:
cg_oldRail "0"than u have the efect color1 is the core color2 the efect
and can record so and in singelplayer mod it works too
wrote:you can change it, but you would no longer have a pure clientanyway.. could you tell me how can i change this rail effect?
well theres a ton of work involved.
first you should learn something about q3 shaders, then make your own and put it in a pk3 file.
if it has the same name as the e+ rail shader, it will replace it and you will have a different rail.
now, actually making that is a completely another thing. perhaps you should take one that was already made, and just repack it so that it replaces the e+ rail.
Damn ;/ i wanted that rail mainly p.s plasma works
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