Server Admin Team
well if you cant run pb on those servers, dont
but all who want and can will
but to mention the laming thing, agreed. its not the duty of the admins though, as much as of the moderators.
Is there a way to restrict PB , power to only kick pple that have cheats and dont kick for empty cd_key ,and a lot of other reasons , like no OS privilege , etc..(banned GUID)? etc..(like pb_sv_guidrelax 7)
a*basically ,i want to start with a light version of PB...but that detects main known hacks without kicking for a reason , that i , admin would allow on server.
still need response to this , maybe Flex1 can answer..
i think global admins is not a good idea, i know few ppl that get ref or rcon on a server and since then, they make them very important, they think they r god
You don't need a very good computer to run PB, i can run pb on my p4 1.4GHz 256mb ram, and it doesn't even lag when i play
yes, definatelly yes, i think i made such post year ago:)
i think global admins is not a good idea, i know few ppl that get ref or rcon on a server and since then, they make them very important, they think they r god
every admin have to get some experiences with admining servers, and about cheater, how they act etc. i think few players in this comunitty has these answer for this god question is : nobody is perfect, but with skills, experiences , admins goes respectfull for everybody
i dont think so, sry, because i ve seen some ppl that runs crazy after they had rcon, like pinky & brain
As i said, nobody is perfect if you dont like those admins dont play on their servers-they will see that they r doing something bad... ( besides we can make another pool about favorite servers, OR favorite admins ) imo the "worst" admins r in e5.cfg