[websiteSuggestion] more advanced Pickup
OK, hello again. my name is marta and im 12y old. i searching friends in similar age.
like told me my best friend who hate our community xD jmpr. Players here do not use pickup cuz they do not know what is this feature.
for me this pickup at site is great idea, but for fit in my requirements he need to be updated.
pickup can looks like now + my features:
postulate #1 is: possibility of making pickup for server from server spider!
Capture the Flag (4 slots)ONLY RAIL v2.4
postulate #2 is: possibility of making pickup for clans - feature only for users in clans with weight like -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
postulate #3 is: possibility of creating description fo own PICKUP
postulate #4 is: listing on left side of web your own pickup list.
postulate #5 is: no more anonymous pickups! i want to see who created pickup! if some1 created pickup then he shall be listed as 1st participating in pickup! if it is Clan/Team leader and choosed option for CLAN/TEAM i want to see what clan started pickup!
postulate #6 is: i want to have working pickup! for me pickup not working... i cannot start own pickup god damn!!!
postulate #n is: i think in pickup list must be visable info about server pb pure actual owner of pickup + those features what i listed here. it will be nice tool for making randomly FWs for clans what want practice or even for making quick CWs - depends on choosen option. ofc pickups for clans shall be listed at end and do not dissapears after 5 minuts, maybe quite longer like 30 minuts.
probably thats all.
edit: example from now:
idk who created pickup... what is that cfg?! and where is will be.
Capture the Flag (4 slots)ONLY RAIL v2.4
when i join pickup still do not know where it will be untill (probably) all peoples (4 needed) click that + sign.
nice post marta.
if u are making anything please remember to use JPEG compression instead of 1.5BM big SS
if u are making anything please remember to use JPEG compression instead of 1.5BM big SS
but dont care so much