What is lag?

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z-monster's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
What is lag?
ghost wrote:

gib u saying its is players problem and thier fool

I am not saying that lag is the players fault. I just wanted to offer some very basic info. I know it is disapointing to play on a server where lag occurs but I would like the players to stop bashing the servers.

You and unruly.st! have valid points and by all means add more. Knowledge is power. \:D/

ghost wrote:

btw sry im not used colored fonts

No problem dude!! :thumbleft:

"Samo sloga Srbina spasava"

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
What is lag?

thankz for the info giblet .. i think ur point is well explained there Happy g work man its very useful to people who doesnt know exaclty what ping lag is

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/

Joined: Jan 2004
What is lag?

yeap very usful topic, we shold make couple more like this one


Rate - badwitch taken by q3

Snaps - its also depends what sv_fps server uses, default value is 20 couse default server sv_fps is 20, using more snaps yors game will resive more pointing information about yors target that will reduce lucky lag shots and these shots u see u hit someone but he is still alive Happy higer sv_fps on the server are improving locations of the objets but also make that is more badwitch taken by server it may incerese ping, i am do think sv_fps 30 for e+ servers is a good setings but nobody uses it Happy higer snaps will reduce ping server to client

cl_MaxPackets - it is amout of packets to send, if u r sending more packets latency client to server will drop, couse some information dont must w8 for next packet to be send to server, it is alos good idea to set yors MTU to around 400-800 not more, its guarantied lover latency that broadband MTU 1500 ofers.
what is MTU ? Max Transmition Unit, its size of each packet u sending, to change that u must edit registry

cl_TimeNudge - it is amout of time yors q3 (client) must w8 for resive a snaps/packet negative value reduce that time and less that -10 become skip some snaps and game become look jerky, u can see it in lagometer that u have more yellow dots in line, im dont know its worth to use it couse u r become unsynced to the rest of client and time drop -10=-10ms.
With high negative value u r become harder to hit same gous to if come if u shot, lots of osp ctf player on running uses it. higer positive value can help if server droping some packets snaps, to kep the connection smoth but it also will be means u r incresing yors latency

cl_PacketDup - defaul value is 1, it is 1x resending the packet if he was not delivred on time max is 5x but u must incerese yuors cl_MaxPackets couse somtime somtimes hapents that yors q3 will not have inaf packets to resend all data and it will be skiping it, u can see that in console. 5x will increse latency a bit but may healp on realy laggy server wery much, if server run smoths beter set it to 0x, i am do think that this command work beter that positive value of cl_timeNudge

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
What is lag?

I love gaming related topics Winking thankz hq

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/

QXY's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
What is lag?

@Mowly: Im not so stupid man Big grin , there wasnt any door or sth... Thinking

@HQ: Im using snaps 40, and nudge -10. My aim better with this values.

Anyone said (dontknow who), that it is hard to hit ppl with high negative nudge, so dont set it too high. Btw. the recommended value: -(your ping/2)

Joined: Sep 2005
What is lag?

So..What are the settings for the lowest ping possible

Vobbah's picture
Joined: Apr 2004
What is lag?

This is good stuff HQ.. do you know everything about q3 and Internet connections ? Happy

I wonder, i use maxpackets 125, snaps 40, i have ping 48 and 0ms in lagometer. does this mean i have no connection lag at all ?

Joined: Jan 2004
What is lag?

dunno what the best settings, u must try to lower both pings by cl_maxpackets and snaps to have best efects its depends about connection to

vobb, u r have realy big deference in these pings u should use more snaps i gues

Vobbah's picture
Joined: Apr 2004
What is lag?

yes hq but i was told by stickan that i cant have more then 40 snaps because server was running in 40 hz or something.. mr. freeze server that is..
btw my ping is allways 48 with maxpackets 125, but if i lower it to 20 i get like 5-10 ping, is that setting better ?

Joined: Jan 2004
What is lag?

it is not goo didea do decrese cl_maxpackets, u can do it a litle but kep aping at 0 as u have now couse it best for u

and in theory u dont need more snaps that server have sv_fps but in practice it will lower your ping server to client, and make movemeny way esier