Excessive Plus v2.3

hello, i have a problem, i play on BEER FREEZER server, and server sometimes kick me cause think so im cheater, i dont use any programs / hax, that problem exist only on this server (beer) and i think this is cause my mouse 2x & 7x click make troubles on server system and he kick me, can i play without this problem, and use my clicks?
Hi and welcome to the forum! I think it is best that you create a new thread so that your problem can be discussed there. It will also catch more attention and I am sure that Mona (the server admin) will reply really quick. It is possible that your mouse has broken buttons so that the mouse clicks inhumanly fast. This *could* lead to a kick by AntiCheat. But again, create a new thread about it!

if this is the thing which is running on ERA qlinsta FTAG, I can undoubtly say it sucks ass
Yes "this is the thing" that runs on ERA QLinsta FTAG, but AntiWallhack is turned off there so you shouldn't see/hear/feel any difference.
I notice more and more such moments
(time 2.18)
teleportation on level ground...
and not only for me, example today cw px vs dunno, mommo and others suffer from this, note packets lose 0%.
it may be associated with 2.3?
Please, in next updated version add:
for opportunities view demo in more better mode
when viewing red team model-anarki, blue team model-keel
i..... got as far as downloading the file, and now im lost >.< anyone can help an idiot?

i..... got as far as downloading the file, and now im lost >.< anyone can help an idiot?
Hi LuLu,
What you downloaded should be an archive .zip file. You should be able to extract the content of the file with Windows or use a software like 7-zip, Winzip, Winrar, etc.
Inside the zip file there is a folder called 'excessiveplus' and three bat files, namely xp_dedicated.bat, xp_server.bat and xp_singleplayer.bat. Grab all these items and put them at the root folder of your Quake 3 install directory.
For example, if you installed Quake 3 in C:\q3a folder, you should now have:
To start E+, use the xp_singleplayer.bat shortcut as the two others will either start a dedicated or local server.
Hope this helps!
I'm updating info at http://www.moddb.com/mods/excessive/downloads regarding to v2.3 (avaiting aproval)
Running as a server-side mod no longer works in this version.
pb_sv_getss more don't working and it sad probably programer can add this option to game mod? If we had it, this is the best antiwh
Hello mod developer! New question for you: Can make in new mod version, so you can see frozen players (your team) through walls? Example QuakeLive..
Reason: It takes a long time to teach players, orientation on the map, and those who can do that is more like a rogue, than on good players Quake3.