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Excessive Plus v2.3

Provide better solution
eat a d***

Just a note. If you have constructive criticism or outstandig bugs, be sure to report them to the Feedback forum.
Please do not combine multiple concerns in one thread.
Thank you.
I am glad that finally we have aWH defense, but as I said you make error, when allowed to choose level for aWH, you could integrate aWH to xp_matchmode(ClanWar/FunWar) by default with power ioq3-aWh Vio.
You can leave setting xp_antiWallhackLevel (on/off = 0/1) for public-server, but not need 5 levels for her.
I compared ioq3-aWh Violence and your aWh (on all levels), must admit vio-aWh works cleaner, will be glad so you fix it. Plus when works your aWh arise problems with sound (hear sounds from frozen and not only), check it.
AntiWH it's only thing that bothers me
Thank you for your work!
All the bugs are almost impossible to be tracked down before a major release with a lot of changes like this one.
Every1 in here wants the same thing: a new nice e+ version with no bugs and better then the previous ones. So instead being completely against maybe try to give solutions/constructive criticism or found bugs.
Use the feedback Topic. And also please check if the feedback post topic you wanna write wasn't already added what someone else so you won't duplicate it.
This version comes with a way to solve the problems of wallhackers which the old pb did not protect us against.
The sooner the bugs are cleared the better for every1.

I compared ioq3-aWh Violence and your aWh (on all levels), must admit vio-aWh works cleaner
cleaner? yes if we speak about totaly invisible models behind the walls as well as their sounds.
2.3 awh provides 5 levels to adjust by yourself, you pick which values suits you the best, for me 1 is fine enough, why ? because it allows to hear certain sounds even if models are invisible, also viol ioq3 awh doesnt work the same way, it doesnt ignore player/weapon clips for example, you can check that on dm1 map, use noclip, fly over a map model (there are 2 of them at the courtyard) and check how player models are disappearing from your view, then compare that on e+ 2.3.
cleaner, that to enemy faster becomes visible when in sight.
that about level 1, decide camel, that you need, antiWH or it.
Is there no one who can answer the basic question about what xp_antiWallhackLevel really does or how it works? (identified wallhackers are being dropped, logged, tagged, burned, electrified?)

Is there no one who can answer the basic question about what xp_antiWallhackLevel really does or how it works? (identified wallhackers are being dropped, logged, tagged, burned, electrified?)
1)run local server
2)set xp_antiWallhackLevel 5
2)devmap q3dm1
3)add some bots @ mr.gauntlet's: addbot gauntlet 1
4)protect yourself and become wallhacker: give god, r_shownormals 1
5)look how models/sounds disappear behind the walls
6)now compare with different levels, ex: xp_antiWallhackLevel 1, hear the sounds
8)now disable AWH, xp_antiWallhackLevel 0 and look/hear how it work without it

1)run local server
2)set xp_antiWallhackLevel 5
2)devmap q3dm1
3)add some bots @ mr.gauntlet's: addbot gauntlet 1
4)protect yourself and become wallhacker: give god, r_shownormals 1
5)look how models/sounds disappear behind the walls
6)now compare with different levels, ex: xp_antiWallhackLevel 1, hear the sounds
8)now disable AWH, xp_antiWallhackLevel 0 and look/hear how it work without it
In other words, you can't. I did a demo on our server when I was playing vs a bot. I will post this in the feedback forum along with a description.

1)run local server
2)set xp_antiWallhackLevel 5
2)devmap q3dm1
3)add some bots @ mr.gauntlet's: addbot gauntlet 1
4)protect yourself and become wallhacker: give god, r_shownormals 1
5)look how models/sounds disappear behind the walls
6)now compare with different levels, ex: xp_antiWallhackLevel 1, hear the sounds
8)now disable AWH, xp_antiWallhackLevel 0 and look/hear how it work without itIn other words, you can't.
I did a demo on our server when I was playing vs a bot. I will post this in the feedback forum along with a description.
Camel wants to tell you the following:
but far not everything there is perfect...
Just a note. If you have constructive criticism or outstandig bugs, be sure to report them to the Feedback forum.
Please do not combine multiple concerns in one thread.
Thank you.