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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany

goddam read hqs post again.
the dll is from the largest multiplayer cheating site in the world! (so it call itself).

ghost wrote:
gues im read it on board he was caught 2 times before im not sure...

btw its from google


Quake 1 2 3 -
The largest MultiPlayer Cheating Site in the world! We have MP cheats for Maple Story, MU Online, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty 2, Gunbound, AAO, ...


so right to the nonwriten rules we shouldt have eny mersy now, im also w8 to see what deva will do with that

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

Oh, and to make this a little more interesting, google says that file is a q2 cheat Smug

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

so whats this cheat doing ? :roll: To know if its or not a mistake .

Anyway im not defending him, just cause he is a deva like me, but a good mate also Winking .
1) He plays for a while, he knows if he cheats he will be banned ( so no reason to cheat)
2) He is not fakenicking on the screen !!!!!
3) I talked with him 3 min ago on msn he sounded very sure about what he said and from what he said he said he is NOT a cheater
4) there were other cases in which pb was wrong :
I remember that case with chenija when some1 said : u can say gbye to e+ and so on, and after to see it was only a mistake of pb, just a file take from ko site which pb didnt thought its pure or smth like that ill post link if u dont belibe me
5) First time it was ram fault and panic didnt know so this is the 1st time and like ive said he has other pc and maybe he take the cd with quake the old one

Ive said enough reasons

Bazz's picture
Joined: Mar 2005

well dont know is this a cheat or something but one thing what i want say is that : some ppl on this mod have cheats which are not detected via pb and no1 knows that they are fucking anal cheaters.
thats all what i can said. have fun with them.

tezzadab3st's picture
Joined: Feb 2006

right, what ever i say now is 99% not going to be belived because of things in the past, i know that hardly anyone likes me and will probably do anyting to get me banned from e+.

quite a while ago i was called a cheater because i had some program loaded on my cfg while playing. i have said many time before i AM NOT a cheater.
when i first starting playing e+ (introduced by ram, NOT MY BROTHER) i liked the game and decided to get ram to make me a copy so i could play.

i didnt make any new cfg's ever since i started playing, and when ram was cought cheating, i was *cought* because i had the same cfg, after this i got help to make a new one. i made the new cfg and i havent had any problems until now.

less than 2 weeks ago i bought a new pc. i didnt have a spare hard-drive etc to put all my old quake files on, so i re-installed with the copy ram gave me some time ago. it never dawned on me that this would happen again. and since i have had new pc it is the first time of me being kicked by pb.

i havent installed anyting new for quake (i dont have a clue how to do it)
the only thing i installed was a update for punk buster which hylian helped me with because once again i was unsure on how to do it.
i dont no what else to say to proove im not a cheater because i dont no how to proove it. if i could send my cfg to someone as proof. maybe they can check it and see if there is anything i shouldnt have in it. i really dont no what it is or how i got it. like i said i havent installed anyting for quake since i got the game other than pb updates.

i swear i am not a cheater and will do what ever it takes to get my name cleared, i love this game and my clan also all my mates on e+.

i have played with deva for sometime now, and wouldnt it be obvious if i was a cheat! to be honest im not exactly the worlds greatest player am i?
but please. someone help me to sort this out.

regards, panic.

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

goddam read hqs post again.
the dll is from the largest multiplayer cheating site in the world! (so it call itself).

ghost wrote:
gues im read it on board he was caught 2 times before im not sure...

btw its from google


Quake 1 2 3 -
The largest MultiPlayer Cheating Site in the world! We have MP cheats for Maple Story, MU Online, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty 2, Gunbound, AAO, ...


so right to the nonwriten rules we shouldt have eny mersy now, im also w8 to see what deva will do with that

yeah sorry my mistake, it is a q2 cheat file, would this work with q3?

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

i know this is one of those "locking the barn after the horse is gone" kinda comments. but just how much effort does it take to install a good version of q3, rather than install it from a "copy" u got from some idiot.

it really isnt that hard is it? get the point-release, install it, get a good pak0.pk3 file from someone. copy it into baseq3. and then proceed to download any maps and copy any configs u need.

btw. u DON'T need uber hd space to store ur config files. u can upload them onto an e-mail client in under 2mins.

all i can say is, ur just asking for it. and even though i intensely dislike this whole cheater reporting/banning orgy thing going on in e+, u really should've known better after having all the problems u seem to have had.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

tezzadab3st's picture
Joined: Feb 2006

as i said wonko, i changed my cfg after i was accused of cheating last time, i made new cfg and had no problems, and i said i had to use the old one again because i dont have my old pc, and i really dont care if you think its so easy, i havent ever installed any hacks, there may be something in this cfg or in the folders because its the one ram gave me atleast 1 year ago, accuse me all you want, il try my best to proove to you im not a cheater.

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
{D*R*T} Bazz wrote:

well dont know is this a cheat or something but one thing what i want say is that : some ppl on this mod have cheats which are not detected via pb and no1 knows that they are fucking anal cheaters.
thats all what i can said. have fun with them.

Arrow That is serious allegations BAZZ. Do you have any prove DEMO or something, name ? That he use it ?

- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
kraster wrote:

after to see it was only a mistake of pb, just a file take from ko site which pb didnt thought its pure or smth like that ill post link if u dont belibe me

I made pb.cfg which is runing on most populars e+ servers and i uploaded most things on ko site Smug So strange is: how i uploaded not allowed files no ko site. Lets think more cuz now its pure bullshit.

Im w8ing for ur link. But now, stop talking idiotic suggestion.