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vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

and ze fun continues. Big grin.

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan

(HK) NeO
zombie neo's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
kraster wrote:

away meaning taking part of deva but not playing in the cw or out of deva Thinking

With all of this going on and a C/W with Deva in less than a week......
HK would not feel comfortable if Panic were to play.As I said in the
Deva vs HK C/W thread...... we will not play if Panic is there.

If panic is cleared of all of this,then you have my apologies,
but until such time we will not take the chance.

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Do you serve a purpose

or purposely serve ?"

:Corey Taylor:

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

I think this panic case should be closed by some1 and to make a final decision ...

Cause from what Rena says he receive yellow card ( not far from being a cheater, but not a cheater :!: )

KO, 2s, HK doesnt accept Panic in cws/fws with them .. So now panic should do a list at what cws and at what cant come ?

Whats the verdict and who gives this verdict ? The comunity or those rules that Rena posted with yellow and red cards or only some guys ??

Not offending but for KO, 2S, HK and who is next ( how i dont know whats the verdict! ) isnt this discrimination ? Cause till now comunity accepts panic, but only u dont...cause of what ? yellow card ? :roll: It was supposed at red card .. so now at yellow card ? I have nothing against HK, 2!S, KO, just asking Winking

warlord's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
kraster wrote:

I think this panic case should be closed by some1 and to make a final decision ...

Cause from what Rena says he receive yellow card ( not far from being a cheater, but not a cheater :!: )

KO, 2s, HK doesnt accept Panic in cws/fws with them .. So now panic should do a list at what cws and at what cant come ?

Whats the verdict and who gives this verdict ? The comunity or those rules that Rena posted with yellow and red cards or only some guys ??

Not offending but for KO, 2S, HK and who is next ( how i dont know whats the verdict! ) isnt this discrimination ? Cause till now comunity accepts panic, but only u dont...cause of what ? yellow card ? :roll: It was supposed at red card .. so now at yellow card ? I have nothing against HK, 2!S, KO, just asking Winking

i think u misunderstand something, this clans dont want to play not because of the yellow crad, they dont want to play because of the fact that he was busted again

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

panic received already yellow card in past, its his second yellow, so logically the red.

at least for me, like i said i supported him in past, gave him cd-key and let him play on 2S-Server even people was complaining why i do.

(i also said to panic in msn, that he should test his q3 before he play, he isntalled new q3 and he didnt tested it if his story is based on truth, what i simply dont believe anymore)

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

You of course can add EVOL to the list

@ kraster if this was his first time and it was up to me it would be ban. I really don’t buy excuses. sorry but its just my opinion...

I can see though why many would disagree and they have very valid points. But there seems to be an accepted warning system taking hold and that a good thing at least some structure to deal with them.

The point is (as has been said before) he had his chance, and didn’t take it.

I think this should be cased closed, I cant see any more reason for debate ?

kraster's picture
Joined: Dec 2005

So Wax u give the verdict ? If yes, means that he is banned ?

Sorry for all these questions which are kind of pointless, but i wanna be sure .

+ from now on first mistake Arrow banned ? or clear Arrow yellow Arrow red card ?

Sad ,

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006

As much as i hate it, it cannot be denied that Panic made one stupid mistake too much. I honestly can't believe he really would cheat, but with his ignorance, he ultimately destroyed all the trust people would likely put in him.

Even if he'd stay not banned, i doubt a large majority of people would see him as anything less than untrustworthy, stupid, and possibly, unfair player.


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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
kraster wrote:

So Wax u give the verdict ? If yes, means that he is banned ?

Sorry for all these questions which are kind of pointless, but i wanna be sure .

+ from now on first mistake Arrow banned ? or clear Arrow yellow Arrow red card ?

Sad ,

no its not my decision to make, all im giving is my opinion kraster
I was saying IF it was up to me to decide I would ban on first offence.

But the rule that seems to be taking hold is
Cheat once = yellow card
Cheat again = ban

This is his second so I cant see another way forward ?

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

surely i can make just decission for 2!S and 2!S servers. If i c him, he will have to leave.

I cant speak for whole community lol, nobody has the right to do. Just clans it self can decide if they want to play against panic or with panic and i decided for 2!S.