-ED- 3:0 HTK/18.02.07
omg all stfu be happy and dont talk dirty, grap a beer or a joint who cares
I think the main reason for this is that a large group comes from excessive where ff is never on, never has been either. Plus considdering that ff in ctf (the main gametype played from both clans) is useless i can see why people are against it.
Aye, i recognize your points as valid. I dont wanna be seen here as some "know-it-all" asshole, coz franky, i dont know anything about e5 ctf. What i was just trying to say, is - you want less spam, FF set to 1 is the way to go. I understand it requires big changes to a players gameplay, because he must be super careful not to frag his mates when simply moving around, but hell, why not try it a few times and see how it goes?
Because it would be too much hard ofc
lmao..8 pages on a ed cw page....must be a record!
i dont post on E+ forum too much but i couldnt ressist with all theese statmenets.,accusations and shit....
@ explosion,sorry explosive m8..u talk about ed with such hatred dude...maybe u wanna join us soon..lol...just a thought...as i remember u talked about en the same way before u asked to join them..... but u are right no ff i agree
translation for "gg" in different e+/configsa neutral player: "gg"
a bro player: "great game"
a e5 player "fuck you"
i have got to admit this quote is still making me chuckle......
but theres alot of talk about this e6 stuff and en saying we dont like playing e5 ...but all i have seen is empty e6 servers so where are u guys all playing this cfg...even the clans that had a input into this cfg..stilll play most in the e5 servers zer wgvd fuc all still play e5 ......i just find that a bit strange..
about clan war bodz just set a date.....win, loose ,e5, e6..ff on ,ff of, even give en there zzmodels..who cares ..all i know is en aint the best at tdm in e5...or they would play the cfg that they thought was cool 6 months ago...
ps ...MR pants..still rox...lets have it there
Actualy ff is standard off on bro ctf wars. Otherwise defending becomes much harder, and most people still dont mind killing teammates in CTF since it doesnt cost any team its score.
About TDM and FREEZE you might wanna consider turning it on.
For a ling time it wasnt standard in bro either. There were some huge flamewars in the beggining when it was set as standard, some people just wouldnt get used to it. But they did.
I will delete any offensive, rude post or away off topic post... And nobody here answer on my posts really... That is a shame. Point is that we all here because of game and gaming not fighting with words but with bullets... I just as neutral person see a lot nervous grandma's and grandpa's ... Also I see some "big stars" which force their conditions.
Point is that it is stupid EN don't play ED and vice versa. Because of "I have more chance to win if will be...." That is big LOL. As I said before play one CW with E5 cfg on ED environment. Then play one CW on EN environment. Point is on PLAY on any environment and I admire people and clans such KO and Lemon they will play even against EN with whatever EN environment. Why ? Because they LOVE THIS GAME and they play not only for wining, sure everybody like to win, but they play because they enjoy playing whatever outcome was !
@Explosive: Please use normal words and be Explosive in arena not here on forum.
i don't want to set up a date until every war detail is settup with EN, just to be sure to not waste my time again.
isnt everything setted up by now?
As for everything, e5 community is always later than bro community, about the clanranking 1st, then about PB & PURE, and now about FF. I think i put many efforts & energy to change all of this parameters
indeed you are one of the biggest fighters for pure and now for ff...
still ED did not play any cw with pure or ff on yet
sry i didnt want to bother u guys again but bodzy ur members are from excessive and sod..e6 np for us..e6 is ur cfg if u look on ur memberlist. Thats all i wanted say
And as i saw most of ppl dont wanna ff...and why we should follow the bro part of this mod..and why do u compare bro to e5..its really different imo..
echo post is just FULLY TRUE, exept the fact that i don't want to set up a date until every war detail is settup with EN, just to be sure to not waste my time again.
As for everything, e5 community is always later than bro community, about the clanranking 1st, then about PB & PURE, and now about FF. I think i put many efforts & energy to change all of this parameters, and as bro guys said there is no sufficient argue to not put ff as standart. But i'm also a bit tired to always have to fight against the same to go forward.
And rena in my mind it's clear since a long time ago that some ppl find more interesting playing to count their wining strike than playing bcz they love the game.