JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.
Please post the PB kicks, The demos, and the Stats, for further analysis if your going to steal my topic and rename it.
edit by joeyb: previous topic

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 09:19 Post subject: FairyprincessThis is a full apology for fake nick naming, HK Goddam, PHC JoeyB, Dvinsk Biohazard, and HK Spider. Also for using ShinAkuma 1.7, Just so you all know, I plan on simply killing fairyprincess completely, I have already chosen a new name, and I am extremely sorry for any travesties I may have caused. I also have killed the infamous Mayhem, who was wreaking havoc about a year ago, yeah, pretty quick connection there, between the two.
If its trivia for anyone, I am currently playing a completely pure version of quake now, and am taking it alot more seriously than just mindless +shooting. I play on BE, NWC, Taint, Deex, and have had absolutely no problems with anyone lately, I think the only problem I had was azrael got a little ruffled just over the name, other than that, azrael just laughed at me and told me to work on my rails, damn 50 rail acc.
I guess this is a little late, but I bet this is the first "cheater" jerk to ever apologize formally.
those are from when he previously cheated...not now. i think he means recently
uhm.. liar?
"I guess this is a little late, but I bet this is the first "cheater" jerk to ever apologize formally."
O I REMEMBER NOW. A while back you specifically told me and many people "Who hasn't messed with cheats out of curiosity?"
Sound familiar? I will look for the exact quote.
I don't need "recent proof" in order to hand out the "GTFO MY INTERNET" badges.
1) fairy cheated and trolled in 2008
2) fairy apologised
2a) Fairy in a clean reputatin, joined PHC
3) fairy got demo'ed in a suspicious game, and skull, mircwar and few others said it was suspsicious. I dont even remember what I said
4) fairy gets kicked from PHC by JoeyB 1 day after "leaving"
lets not forget bout the 50+ accuracy no matter what ping or location or opponent. In those occasion, i either expect the person to either cheat or to show 6 bronze 6 silver and 8 gold medals out of 38 SoF2 cups in 4 seasons or to say "I CHEATED LOL".
you arent in "free world", you are in some niche q3 mod which is cautious about cheaters, and especially PROVEN EX-CHEATERS so dont give me any of that "Innocent till proven guilty" shit either.
Also, considering how much you dont care bout e+ (your original post bout leaving PHC), why would you give a flying fuck bout "clearing your name" if you are quitting game anyway?

i thought u were gonna say EX-FACTOR
not rly... i was owned on the only US tourney i entered, so ping wise it doesnt matter.
but the argument which doesn't matter, doesn't matter anyway.
Why? Cos you're a FUCKING EX CHEATER. so as some guy said on IRC, "lol what evidence he accepted he cheated several times, I don't understand how any clan accepts such a lamer"
so gtfo my internet you piece of shit.
of course I can't provide any screen shots or demos of you being kicked by PB when you ADMITTED you cheated because they would be 3 or so years old and I do not carry over screen shots.
The reason i do not have any recent screenshots of you being kicked by PB is because as you said, some cheats are undetectable, and you do not stay connected after PB is on and/or you turn it off.
What I can do is provide demos/screenshots/VSP stats as i come accross them on my HD, etc.
Thats from when I downloaded quake, and found out that my Quake3.exe wasnt actually the same one you get when you buy the CD, For the record, I bought the CD and never got kicked since. When I had the downloaded version I didnt actually use the hacks, I just thought that was the regular .exe file. Then I went in properties and it had a different name, I then looked it up, and its a noob hack from internet, deleted whole folder, bought CD, played for long time.
Anyways, I'm looking for screenies or whatever of PB kicking me, Demos of me cheating, wallhack, aimbot, shoot, whatever.