JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

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igar's picture
Joined: Oct 2007
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

9/9 says nothing, but from watching that demo that Skull provided I got a little shocked with what I saw. A couple of the shots were aimbot moves, only aimbots could pull them off.

1) Around the first minute he straight up aims at a spawn point as soon as the person spawns
2) As hes falling down he randomly looks up at the Quad Damage that he left behind when he died and kills someone. When I personally am falling down I look at my surroundings not up to a specific spot.

I'm sorry man but after everything that I've heard and seen I don't think you are clean at all. What Skull said is true, why would someone so good at InstaUnlagged or whatever want to use a hack when they went to ExcessivePlus? It seems really dumb and if I was really good at railing from that mod, I would just have used that rail to my advantage and work on the other guns when I needed, not hack. Skull makes a good point too. If you want to really prove your rail skills to people, hit me up on MSN and we'll do a 1v1 match of QuakeLive Instagib. It's slower and the netcode is preety fucked up so if you want you can blame it on that (and no, I don't mean this in a bad way. The netcode makes you hit more often).

Go ahead and tell me that you don't love me anymore of some shit just because now I think you use hacks because your alibi sounds fishy and there are preety good evidence of you using hacks. I could also prolly arrange some stuff with Kee or Bio to have Nuclear Fusion server locked or something and you can show us on server that you can actually get what you say you get on your awesome training style.

I win because I'm win because you're on my team.
Everytime I think of Vex, I think of buttsex.


Looky here mister pulsinator...i kill owls for a living (ps i love you BFF pulse)


Joined: May 2007
MX Mexico
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

Surprise ban the guy, period c:

igar's picture
Joined: Oct 2007
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.
KOMPR3SSOR * 3U wrote:

Surprise ban the guy, period c:

I don't think we can ban him just yet. But as he said he doesn't want to play anymore so he banned himself in a way. Untill hard proff comes along, it's not a good idea to just ban him.

I win because I'm win because you're on my team.
Everytime I think of Vex, I think of buttsex.


Looky here mister pulsinator...i kill owls for a living (ps i love you BFF pulse)


Joined: Aug 2005
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

unfortunately, there is hard proof and has been for too long
And he will be back, he is just saying he wont be back to make it seem like he doesnt care

He said hed drop his forum accounts, i am sure hell still linger and if not use a new name
Also, I am sure we will see him in-game a lot

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

exactly, but now u know how to spot his hack if u read all post here carefully.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

god wasp.beast, 2-3 shots he pulled out there are totally impossible, why u didnt post them before? Love struck Sad would have made this way more easy.

oh and, remove the haxx footsteps Big grin

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Joined: Aug 2005
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

beast's post is what i based most of my confidence in (besides the bullshit i saw personally)

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

god wasp.beast, 2-3 shots he pulled out there are totally impossible, why u didnt post them before? Love struck Sad would have made this way more easy.

I wanted to have maybe a dozen shots like those, didn't think that with only 2 games recorded they would be too conclusive. Also i had never done any videos Tongue.

rUnThEoN?! wrote:

oh and, remove the haxx footsteps Big grin

I don't know where. Also they are disabled when pure, so i guess there are no problems Tongue

Había una vez un barco chiquito...

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

u just need 1 moneyshoot to proov an autoshoot, but it has to be a moneyshoot, u had a few Big grin

well, u got the q4 gladiator pk3? in some pk3 these footsteps are in.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

For the record, and for whatever it might be worth, what had me convinced that he cheated was his posts. They absolutely reeked of "come on, bust me if you can dipshits" - he was trying so hard to fit in and quickly shifted gears if accused. The "brain leakage" post was the most obvious of all, a troll here to see just how far he can take it.

After i posted my comment in the cheater discussion thread i had watched the demo 3 times. I watched it some 20 times after that since i couldnt bear calling a guy out being wrong, and it had me convinced - one sequence in particular.

You don't have to be part of a clique or participate in tournaments to be accepted, I played for years clanless and hate 1v1 (hi laktos Big grin) but I guess it's too late for any kind of motivational speeches.