JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.
here u got a dm17 demo of fairy fighting nubs up to 100
the only comment on this demo from me is:
if fairy rails that good, why he doesnt use it properly?
a lot of shoots are on edge of hitbox.
the demo itself is bad though.
instead of showing all my prooves i bring it down to the 2-3 major issues that are there:
1) fairy cheated and trolled in 2008
2) fairy apologised
-> after 8 years of instaunlagged he cheats? or did he cheat before too?
(ps: it seems like he did play instaunlagged, as i tried it out back in 07-08~ i met some doods of the fight clan - F8 )
fairy gets suspected by cheating by me, other good europe players like mircwar or fala/dancing shadow/hq? join in, also his gameplay looks dodgy to a few others and he is incredible laggy.
demo ->
fairy bases his accuracy (note, not reactions which are oddly to good too, while his movement and mouse moving sucks ass while he lags and claims to play on lowfps) on 8 years of instaunlagged and gauntlet train.

Thats freakin weird, because you (impulse) pwn me 1/1. I'll try to see if I can repeat my luck too, past two days i've been ultra noob for some reason, I guess im just down a bit over dealing with all this. Before this happened I was rather happy as things were going good in my life. They still are, but in the Q3 world, im fairly disappointed reactions to a good day. I mean I can only get about 45 percent against gauntlets single player today, thats retardly low compared to my average of 60 to 70 percent against them.
this 3 facts give us serius question:
- why fairy ever haxxed if he can do so good without haxx?
- why does fairy loose as instaunlagged player vs impulse? seriusly, instaunlagged is ffa and 1on1 mostly.
- fairy did an railaim of 60-68 in the same ffa game i was in, such aim doesnt come from anywhere, u need to have it trained. i had an railaim of 55 in the same game vs the same players, while i had nuby fairy vs me he had level100 xaero me vs him.
fairy says he gets an average of 60-70 aims vs gauntlets and the nubs are the same kind off gauntlets.
fairy says he trained his "Actual" aim by playing gauntlets on pigskin on g_speed 600-1000.
according to what he says he does 60-70 vs them, prolly lower depending on g_speed and his lowfps (enemys jerk faster on lower fps)
now lets see what i can reach on first try:
g_speed 640 (so if i shift, g_speed is 320 like on fubar elitez)
now lets see what we both reached in the same game:
skull@stable 125 fps and connection without lags: 55%~
fairy@unstable fps and highping + lot of lags: 65%~
how fairy managed to get better accuracy then me? gauntlets? dont think so, his advantage of "hitting" (where i do better anyways) lightning fast targets doesnt help him on shooting slow enemys as he called them.
if he trained vs slow gauntlets i just can say i did railaim 100 on any distance on my training sessions and so far, having better aim then me against gauntlets is impossible, especially for someone who either played 8 years of instaunlagged and had to cheat in e+ then eventhough he doesnt need it with his expirience or cheated all the time.
why we cant spot fairy's autoshoot properly?
fairy lags like shit.
even if we find shoots where he hit the edge of an enemy we cant use it as evidence since he lags and the shoot comes a bit to late, but however, ALL people agreed on him being dodgy.
also there was no player in e+ yet having a stable aim of 50+ while shooting frozen enemys - together with being totally nuby sometimes reconnecting and pwning the shit out of people.
there is more evidence people can post, BUT i tried basing it on my major point, that fairy's skill is impossible (aim results considering expirience), that he is an ex cheater who never would need to cheat if he is that good and this his argumention about how he trained himself to this aim is bollocks too.
people who still belive it, come on, get a grib retards!
[/]Why doesn't fairy provide proof of his 'training'? Also, he has exit screenshots on, perhaps he can post his screenies of him winning the bots? Why does he get so 'lucky' (as fairy said) so often? How can he flick shots with his poor mouse control? I admit he has some decent bfg jumps unfortunately his overall control is poor.
I have to say, you make some damn fine points, Skull.
what phc asks for
Love him or hate him, Skull is the human punkbuster.
You're a cheater, that's why I fucking banned you on Deex before, but since I didn't have any viable proof at the time, I had to request your ban be lifted. I think I was the first person to take action on Deex in 3 years.
Heres what you all get. BTW the match with Pitbull was with PB on. But as I've seen how fast joey being nice, to now just saying fuck off, I quit, If anyone sees me playing, big tits, I'm getting rid of accounts on E+ You wont see me, as I am fed up trying to fit into the conformed obscurity that is your clique. These screen shots are just some of my personal best matches, Sure I suck somtimes, but I have led teams in servers over 12 people full, without any squabbles. I have paid my dues, I just didnt forum whore or participate in so called ranked shit, I dont have anything to proove to any of you, I just play. Heres the shots, love em or hate em.
Nice clean shots. Some even with witnesses, contrary to Joey saying empty servers.