JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

Heres what you all get. BTW the match with Pitbull was with PB on. But as I've seen how fast joey being nice, to now just saying fuck off, I quit, If anyone sees me playing, big tits, I'm getting rid of accounts on E+ You wont see me, as I am fed up trying to fit into the conformed obscurity that is your clique. These screen shots are just some of my personal best matches, Sure I suck somtimes, but I have led teams in servers over 12 people full, without any squabbles. I have paid my dues, I just didnt forum whore or participate in so called ranked shit, I dont have anything to proove to any of you, I just play. Heres the shots, love em or hate em.
Nice clean shots. Some even with witnesses, contrary to Joey saying empty servers.
Forgot this one..
Maybe you didn't beat him, but the accuracy is mighty fine.

Maybe you didn't beat him, but the accuracy is mighty fine.
my point, he posts one of his worst screenshots instead of this badass ones. - just to show he has bad screens too, but he isnt showing how he does this badass screens in any way.
yep 100% cheater. good job skull
fairy, you can fuck with pb but not with skullhead
nah, dont give all the honor to me, beast had an eagle eye too
Nice pandas