JoeyB provides proof of Fairy Cheating.

Heres what you all get. BTW the match with Pitbull was with PB on.
as stated, customhack = undetectable so doesnt count

But as I've seen how fast joey being nice, to now just saying fuck off, I quit, If anyone sees me playing, big tits, I'm getting rid of accounts on E+ You wont see me, as I am fed up trying to fit into the conformed obscurity that is your clique.
thx for doing us the favor to fuck off, good bye.

These screen shots are just some of my personal best matches
considering this screenshots, ur railaim of 65 vs the nubs on elitez dm17 was more impressive, since a lot of people would have posted it as best screenshot ever, seriusly, how often people do that aim?
this screenshots proov nothing.
for me the evidence of u hacking and betraying all ur clanmates is big enough, its ur turn now to proov u arent hacking and u need to post some evidence that isnt shown to be ridicilous already.
if u are that great, i think u should show us u doing that aim vs nubs in qlive instagib, g_speed is even slower so it should be even easier for you, gogogo, gl.
edit: oddly u hit a lot less with pb.
ps: why dont the chat binds dont display any chat? for me that looks like the configs u use to cheat.
you fucked up by talking shit about PHC after i let you off nicely
you really fucked up by talking shit about PHC with me in the server
I bet that was that an 'oh shit, i didn't realize HE could have been in the room, I mean theres only a few people who play like HIM with that ping and flag' moment for you
I've been aliasing for how long now watching you personally, there is nothing you can do to change my mind, nor the minds of anyone else.
I'll take venom over you any day. Sucks, don't it? If for some reason you being a cheater doesn't get you in enough trouble I have enough console dumps of you being a little shit to everyone. Again, I was aliasing in most of these as well. You aren't usually a little shit when you know I am around. Whose sneakier, me or you?
Oh, and if you are going to pull that 'OH BUT JOEYB CAN'T PROVE HE'S A CHEATER EITHER.' bullshit then shut the hell up, i've been in e+ for 6+ years, i've been with PHC for that same time, I don't leave PB rooms and I am NOT suspected of cheating every game I go into.
Enjoy your time in e+

And arent you the little angel when you think I'm not around.
attacking is the best defence?
seriusly, this topic is about u being a moron, not joeyb, whenever we accuse u of cheating, u show off that u can get normal nuby results too but u dont show how u do the unbeliveable ones.
whenever we ask u about it u chicken out and go on the attack line?
dont u see ur lost now?

And arent you the little angel when you think I'm not around.attacking is the best defence?
seriusly, this topic is about u being a moron, not joeyb, whenever we accuse u of cheating, u show off that u can get normal nuby results too but u dont show how u do the unbeliveable ones.
whenever we ask u about it u chicken out and go on the attack line?
dont u see ur lost now?
funny thing after you post that and make him aware of his tell he is in servers now asking for people to turn PB on

funny thing after you post that and make him aware of his tell he is in servers now asking for people to turn PB on
that doesnt count, i want a qlive screenshot since qlive runs pb on every server AND is on a "different" engine.

funny thing after you post that and make him aware of his tell he is in servers now asking for people to turn PB onthat doesnt count, i want a qlive screenshot since qlive runs pb on every server AND is on a "different" engine.
iwas just stating how he is magically willing to play with PB now after you mention this
I've been watching Fairy for a while now, always suspicious of him cheating ever since I first saw him when he actually was, and imho it is obvious he is using some kind of cheat from time to time. I've seen him pull off 70-90% rail accuracy in some games, and judging from his movement, and the way he moves his mouse, it seems impossible that he gets such great accuracy.
Of course I have no PB proof of Fairy, but look at this screenshot -
Here are more circumstantial evidence of fairy cheating:
This is fairy deex player stats before he started cheating often. In that period, i can say for sure he cheated since the beginning of the stats until april 30. In that period you can see that his rail accuracy is around around 40~60, and even one silly game in which he made 85 rail acc, which clearly shows he hacked (here are the stats).
After that period, i can tell for sure that he stopped hacking until the end of the games in that player profile. If you walk through the games you can see that his rail acc never gets higher 30 (in fact, he averaged nearly 15 rail acc), and you can see that he gets owned in every game.
However, he changed guid and here are the stats from fairy since may 28. After that date he started cheating on a regular basis, you can see the change on his stats. Also his inconsistency is remarkable, having games with rail acc from 10, 20 to 40, 50, 60.
I had better proof on nuclear fusion vsp stats, where he cheated more often, with an average 39 rail accuracy, and where i can show games where he has 55 rail acc playing against joeyb, impulse, biohazard, etc. and scoring like 40, and in that case obviously the "gauntlet theory" doesnt apply, because they were ctf games with people bfg jumping like crazy. Unfortunately, the stats on nuclear fusion were reset, so i can't show you the games.
Also, i have spectated fairy several times and i can tell for sure that he hacks. His style is too inconsistent and his rail timing is wrong, where in some cases he appears to have lighting reflexes and make some 0ms hits where he doesn't even move the cursor (i also play with fast shots, but everytime i make a shot i have to tense the hand and that movement can be seen on the game), and in other cases he aims but never shots for long periods of time, like if he is waiting for the cursor to move over the player so the autoshot can hit him. The only problem is that i never took the time to record him, because i have better things to do and better players to spect instead of watch his noobish movements. However, i recently recorded a couple of demos of fairy playing on deex, where some odd moments appear, however, nothing conclusive. I wanted to wait more time until i get really weird shots and better proof, but it seems that it cant wait, so here you have the video with the most odd moments so more experienced players can see it (sorry for the horrific editing, but this was my first video ever so be nice ).
As a final note, i knew fairy cheated long time before he was caught by skull, however, im too lazy to be looking for solid proof and i hate to accuse anyone without having them, and also because the current e+ american community is so small that i hoped that he could stop cheating (i even confrontated him once several months ago, but ofc he denied it, however, he appeared to lower his cheating activities after i spoke to him). However, it seems that stupidity is a characteristic of most cheaters.
Edit: that is the video, i typed it wrong
theres some PB 1v1's, I didnt even win alot, as I had 200 + ping.