New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
e5 scene:
|pGv|Crucifix -> Crucifix
Looks like pGv clan is dead, cuz lot of members left and joined JDS for example. (gl KoD italians )
With rest no contact, no replies on prv forum, no existing at clandb, so there is no sense stay there anymore.
baboom > *IF~baboom [Trial]
hellu : )
Gen.x.123 ---> M[]R*123
Slavin -> slavin (absolute)
Hello -> hello (absolute)
Excessiveplayer -> hunter (absolute)
zeddion (absolute) - (temporary kick)> zeddion
Have fun guys! Hope You will enjoy the game with us.
Instafun! clan recruits:
hell -> *iF~hell!
We r still open for ppl who wants to fight in railonly ranking!
sandmann*rs --> sandy*t*xfusion
*ZMB* Charrua(trial) -> *ZMB* Charrua(full)
Welcome : >
RG > *iF~rg!
mnc'fag => unique | mnc
terror'fag => unique | terror
drill'fag => clanless