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158 replies [Last post]
crucifix's picture
Joined: Sep 2008
Re: Calling for New Moderators

My vote goes to the ZAXTOR Happy

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: Calling for New Moderators
Sushi-Mann. wrote:

Asphyx would do a good job as a mod imo

if he wont be influenced by others asphyx should do good yes Happy

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Calling for New Moderators
ZAXTOR<.|.>EDS wrote:

that was what you think but Im not that, ince 6 years old I play cool and seriously

out of a pm of him.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: Calling for New Moderators

My vote goes to Asphyx Winking

silence is better than bullshit

Zaxtor's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Re: Calling for New Moderators
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

ZAXTOR<.|.>EDS wrote:

that was what you think but Im not that, ince 6 years old I play cool and seriously

out of a pm of him.

and ?

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Calling for New Moderators

Sorry but we need people who will be fair and who can use their brain before acting,
also they should be unbiased and mental stable, with alot of patience.
Many times I saw here that neither Zaxtor or Ali or even Asphyx cant do it.

Yes first 2 of mentioned are nice guys with some nice ideas, but they will have mental breakdown
sooner or later. Don't forget this is E+ and trolls around here will try to mock them everyday.

Creating events or maps for e+ is one thing and managing horde of ruffless kids is other.

Besides Asphyx is already very close to actual moderators, he would be their tool.
Zax is easy to manipulate... very easy.
Ali has many mental breakdowns, but seems he is better lately.
I would stay with epsilon, ali and camel... rest needs to say bb.

fala, hmm well he actually did only one big mistake, maybe give him trial period xD

mzi's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Calling for New Moderators

it was old player, someone who knows something about this, with great experience on e+ or other mods.

zaxtor ? oO omg NO !

Zaxtor's picture
Joined: Jan 2010
Re: Calling for New Moderators

@ terror everyone have a brain, everyone use it when he want and how he want, and you say we don't use it ? See you, you don't stop to insute ppl you're 2/3 warning. ( and who manipulate me ?)

@muzzi you're at 1/3 warning I don't know you and you don't know me, then thank you for said your opinion.

NewBMonK's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
CH Switzerland
Re: Calling for New Moderators
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

Sorry but we need people who will be fair and who can use their brain before acting,

also they should be unbiased and mental stable, with alot of patience.

you can add much of us in your list

i think a female with no fake account can be helping here and she or he must be 20yo or older

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Calling for New Moderators
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

Besides Asphyx is already very close to actual moderators, he would be their tool.

hey man ... a mod need to use their auxiliary tools .

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