news on site staff.
Those people chosen by voting have let their functions like 3 years ago because they were feed up with the load of "free speech" and "free people", the problem is democracy is used only when it match certain users believes if it does not then they will find another argument to back up their troughs, and do it as loud they can.
Not many people can stand the fact people does not showing any respect for the Admins/Moderators even in this topic u guys laughing out of Term, and it is a sign this need to be changed, or it will always end up Admins/Mods becoming inactive or leaving the place no mater who they are they won't going to survive the "hunt".
Also would be best to devide job for new mods.
We definately need many mods, as it is now I saw same scheme:
Few mods, only 1/3 active (sometimes 2/3). OK then find some very active
people willing to help manage things around here. OK, "new mods" added,
first they are very active and on "new batteries", some good ideas are coming
thru, people can see that something finally is going on ! ... but after some time
the "new mods" realize that they are the only active mods, because all the rest
is either gone inactive or too lazy to do their job. Since it takes a lot of time for
them to do all the responsibilities they start to lower their quality. Then make
few mistakes because of that and people start to hate them.
... Just like that, welcome to e+ forums xD plz
So chose only active, reliable people.

iam intrested to be an new moderator..
@ missy ..check pm i sended you about it ...
Hey mate. I bet u've send her some great new ideas for e+
But think about it, can u handle this place ? U will make one mistake
and people will hate u Having good ideas and managing this place
are 2 different things. I would stay with your things like it is now,
creating events, servers, finding sponsors
This is good. Sometimes people mock u xD but u can do the same to them,
beeing a mod and doing the same will not be the best way of the example behavior.

iam intrested to be an new moderator..@ missy ..check pm i sended you about it ...
thxHey mate. I bet u've send her some great new ideas for e+
But think about it, can u handle this place ? U will make one mistake
and people will hate uHaving good ideas and managing this place
are 2 different things. I would stay with your things like it is now,
creating events, servers, finding sponsors
This is good. Sometimes people mock u xD but u can do the same to them,
beeing a mod and doing the same will not be the best way of the example behavior.
yes i can and i sended her great ideas over a special mod for examble a event mod with some access and rights .to make sticky etc..but i know what i do...and i want help with some things...
@mnc my account are less than 1 years, but I play q3 more than 10 years
well, there are actually 3 mods :
skinnis, epsilon, and me. Missy is head of moderators.
Note that Moderation needs more ppl who are active actually and will stay active most time and check forums frequently a day.
Great Zax! Especially when E+ was started on 2003?

@mnc my account are less than 1 years, but I play e+ more than 10 years
just 10 years? im here since 1967
Guys, a moderator needs to have a specific set of qualities to do his job properly.
1) Thick skin. You need to be able to perform under pressure and not get angered by provocations.
2) Lack of strong bias. This is especially important in a tightly knit community like this, where everyone knows everyone. You need to be able to scold somebody you like just as readily and decisively as someone you despise.
3) Fluent English. Proper communication is important, and there can be no room for misunderstandings born out of lack of skill in using a language.
4) Willingness to compromise. You need to be open to what the people say, and if there are issues, not ignore them but strive to resolve them.
I can tell you right now, that people like Zax and that british kid would never be good moderators. Asphyx should stick to what he does best: organizing events. No offense dude, but that's your thing, not this. Ali should be relegated to being a mod for the map-making section (unless the more balanced outlook that he's showing lately is a permanent thing, if so, then he deserves a shot at the job under some supervision). Rose and Dark should be stripped of all moderating and decision making privileges except the ones that allow them to rank games (although it would be better to just replace them altogether). Slap a proper title tag on Fala, already.
Mow said in another thread, that me, him and Mirc would work well because we're not super-buddies and would hold each other in line. That's VERY true, and i don't mean by that, that you should make us mods (i'd rather be flayed and dipped in boiling oil, thank you very much ), but he does have the right idea - i think it's important that whoever you guys end up choosing for the job, will be capable of stepping up and challenging the decisions of his peers.

@mnc my account are less than 1 years, but I play e+ more than 10 years
That's funny, because e+ is 7 years old.
What a great mod he would make, huh?