The wind of Change...

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GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
The wind of Change...

It's not a suggestion just something to work on. Make any suggestions, changings or anything you want Confused I didn't try it with humans and i worked only a few hours on it so it could suck too hard in real game. Also starting ammunition and regen aren't that good. I am still trying to get the dead to drop their weapons, which will change many things Big grin

Config {
Name: ""
Date: ""
Author: ""

Misc {
Unlagged: 1;
Physics: 2;
Solids: 0;

Default Weapon: 0;
Start Weapons: 511;
Start Powerups: 0;
Weapons: 255;
Items: 1023;
Ammos: 255;
Drop Enable: 127;
Bounding Box: 0.8;
Switch Time: 150;
Spawn Protection: 0;
Destroyable Missiles: 1;
Inactivity Spectator: 90;
Teleport Missiles: 1;
Multi Jumps: 0;
DM Flags: 33;
Gib: 1;
Corpse Time: 2;
Respawn Time: 1700;
Chat Protection: 0;
Mute Spectators: 0;

Regen Factor: 0;
Battle Suit Factor: 0.5;
Health: 300;
Health Soft Limit: 0;
Health Hard Limit: 0;
Health Regen: 0;
Health Regen Amount: 0;
Armor: 0;
Armor Soft Limit: 0;
Armor Hard Limit: 0;
Armor Regen: 0;
Armor Regen Amount: 1;

Armor System {
System: 0;
Quality: "Green";
Green Limit: 100;
Yellow Limit: 150;
Red Limit: 200;
Green Quality: 0.5;
Yellow Quality: 0.66;
Red Quality: 0.75;

Anti Camp {
Time: 12;
Radius: 300;
Damage: 125;

Weapons {
Offhand Grapple: 0;

Suicide {
Damage: 0;
Radius: 0;
Style: 0;

Gauntlet {
Cycle: 400;
Damage: 250;
Weight: 1.0;

Machinegun {
Ammo: 80;
Cycle: 70;
Damage: 30;
Splash Damage: 0;
Regen: 1200;
Radius: 0;
Knockback: 0;
Spread: 200;
Radial: 1;
Bounce: 0;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Shotgun {
Ammo: 10;
Cycle: 900;
Damage: 35;
Splash Damage: 0;
Regen: 2000;
Radius: 0;
Knockback: 0;
Spread: 700;
Radial: 0;
Style: 1;
Bounce: 0;
Gravity: 0;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Grenade Launcher {
Ammo: 10;
Cycle: 850;
Damage: 250;
Splash Damage: 170;
Speed: 700;
Regen: 2500;
Radius: 200;
Knockback: 0;
Style: 0;
Bounce: 0;
Gravity: 1;
Time to Live: 8000;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Rocket Launcher {
Ammo: 10;
Cycle: 750;
Damage: 230;
Splash Damage: 200;
Speed: 900;
Regen: 1700;
Radius: 90;
Knockback: 150;
Style: 0;
Bounce: 0;
Gravity: 0;
Homing Factor: 0.3;
Time to Live: 100000;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Lightning Gun {
Ammo: 80;
Cycle: 70;
Damage: 25;
Splash Damage: 10;
Regen: 510;
Radius: 100;
Knockback: 0;
Range: 768;
Style: 0;
Bounce: 0;
Sky: 1;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Railgun {
Ammo: 10;
Cycle: 1100;
Damage: 300;
Splash Damage: 0;
Regen: 1700;
Radius: 150;
Knockback: 110;
Bounce: 0;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Plasma Gun {
Ammo: 70;
Cycle: 130;
Damage: 90;
Splash Damage: 60;
Speed: 2000;
Regen: 750;
Radius: 50;
Knockback: 35;
Style: 0;
Bounce: 0;
Gravity: 0;
Time to Live: 100000;
Spread: 300;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 32;

Ammo: 12;
Cycle: 1100;
Damage: 200;
Splash Damage: 150;
Speed: 1500;
Regen: 2500;
Radius: 70;
Knockback: 170;
Style: 1;
Bounce: 0;
Gravity: 0;
Time to Live: 100000;
Sky: 0;
Weight: 1.0;
Self Damage: 0.5;

Items {
Shootable: 0;

Respawn {
item_armor_shard: 20;
item_armor_jacket: 20;
item_armor_combat: 20;
item_armor_body: 25;
item_health_small: 35;
item_health: 20;
item_health_large: 25;
item_health_mega: 35;
item_quad: 120;
item_enviro: 120;
item_haste: 120;
item_invis: 120;
item_regen: 120;
item_flight: 120;
weapon_gauntlet: 5;
weapon_machinegun: 5;
weapon_shotgun: 8;
weapon_grenadelauncher: 8;
weapon_rocketlauncher: 8;
weapon_lightning: 8;
weapon_railgun: 8;
weapon_plasmagun: 8;
weapon_bfg: 8;
ammo_bullets: 18;
ammo_shells: 14;
ammo_grenades: 14;
ammo_rockets: 14;
ammo_lightning: 14;
ammo_slugs: 14;
ammo_cells: 14;
ammo_bfg: 14;
holdable_teleporter: 30;
holdable_medkit: 40;
team_CTF_redflag: 30;
team_CTF_blueflag: 30;
team_CTF_neutralflag: 30;

Amount {
item_armor_shard: 10;
item_armor_jacket: 35;
item_armor_combat: 50;
item_armor_body: 100;
item_health_small: 5;
item_health: 25;
item_health_large: 50;
item_health_mega: 100;
item_quad: 30;
item_enviro: 30;
item_haste: 30;
item_invis: 30;
item_regen: 30;
item_flight: 60;
weapon_machinegun: 100;
weapon_shotgun: 30;
weapon_grenadelauncher: 30;
weapon_rocketlauncher: 30;
weapon_lightning: 150;
weapon_railgun: 40;
weapon_plasmagun: 150;
weapon_bfg: 30;
ammo_bullets: 50;
ammo_shells: 10;
ammo_grenades: 10;
ammo_rockets: 10;
ammo_lightning: 60;
ammo_slugs: 20;
ammo_cells: 30;
ammo_bfg: 15;
holdable_teleporter: 60;
holdable_medkit: 60;

ps I didn't start it from scratch, i used plus.cfg


Now that i look at it again, it kinda sucks Confused If i fix the ammunition and the dead drop their weapons it might be better Confused

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
The wind of Change...

if u have rpoblems with harmless bfg and bfg jumping maybe u can increase health for fixinig that

well i will try to do another cfg soon Smug

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
The wind of Change...

I thought about making a cfg like the above but no ammo/weapon pickup, slightly stronger rocket and bfg and railgun with 350 damage but I don't really see any interest or will to make changes here.

I guess i'll do what many i know do...come here for easy frags, try to hit guys mid-air with rockets while they perform random air-jumps and go to cpma for serious gaming.....


btw, i wouldn't have serious problems with multiple jumps if they worked like that:

and not like that:


ar4xis's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
The wind of Change...

I'd be eager to play a harder cfg, but first it would have to be made Happy
Oh and a poll about multijumps would be useful..

Joined: Jun 2006
The wind of Change...

I only started playing E+ a few months ago and pretty much the only server I play on is DeeX, so I'm limited in experience to judge other configs. What I can say is that I love DeeX is set up, with a few exceptions.

I think rail, bfg, multi-jumps, and all that stuff is great the way it is. It makes the game into something different, and that's what I really like about this mod. Making the mod less "excessive" even by changing a couple of things by a small amount (ie, railgun or bfg often isn't one hit kill) would completely change the style of gameplay and the kind of skills needed.

One thing that worries me about the whole CFG idea in E+ is that people might decide to change configs that work just fine and ruin them (IMHO, of course). People will argue that certain changes will make it require more skill, when in reality it would just be changing the kind of skills needed and make it more like regular Q3.

There are improvements that could be made. I would personally like to see the other less mainstream weapons be more powerful so that all the weapons would be viable in combat. I find myself using just BFG, railgun, and shotgun (and the occasional LG) because everything else is pretty much obsolete. MG, LG, and PG could be made more powerful while rockets could gain more splash or something like that.

Good points have been made about eliminating or nerfing multi-jumps. I guess there would be some benefits to doing so, but I don't really see why leaving them in is so bad. It makes it easier for the newbies to not be complete sitting ducks, and gives experts more flexibility. They're not even that important, I seldom use them for moving around and I move around very quick.

vroomfoondel's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

err just dl'd tars config and gonna test it out...tar could you perhaps arrange for a server to test this config..then perhaps we could get together some guys and test it out with humans..that would be really nice....i understand the basic idea and i can imagine how playing a lot on e+ current configs mite get a little boring so im ok with testing a different config out to see if it really does make a opposed to just talking about it ofcourse lololol...

err on multiple jumps and stuff...well i do have to say that moving skills in e+ are pretty degenerate compared to say CA in cpma because of more weapon a result moving with say bfg and rockets is much more effective in e+...this is an unavoidable side effect of having "excessive" weapon damage..and as far as i can see theres really no helping..but theres also no avoiding the fact that people who e+ only move like noobs in cpma..(believe me i know...i used to play cpma only for a year 2 years back and i was good at moving...when i restarted playing quake 2 months back i played pretty much e+ only and now that im beginning to play just a little cpma im finding it very difficult to get back in the movements/strafejumping mode for cpma...)....

i personally think it would be a good idea to not have multiple jumps on most maps...its pretty easy to learn to build up speed with weapon jumps and have enough speed to do one big jump that would achieve the same purpose as multi jumps (a pretty easy example to see this would be the jump across the gap from rail place to the bridge in q3dm6...altho this can be done without any sort of weapon or multi jumps..most people use multi...but if u go to clan arena servers u can easily see poeple building up a little speed with rocket off the wall and making the jump)...however i wouldnt mind having multi jumps on say a map like dm17.....its nice to be able to do the bfg jumps to the top and then have the multi jumps option available so u can maneuver in the map...(hey torzelan if ur reading this stop calling me names lolololol....torz disagrees with this point rather fiercely haha)....

damn i was going to address some other points too but after writing so much ive totally forgotten the other things...haha this sorta thing keeps happening to me..o well the rest shall come in another post soon perhaps...

#e+pickup #excessiveplus #class.clan
TorZelan's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
The wind of Change...

Haha xD Well you should see the frickin' book I've posted on the topic of BFG jumping in the Hyper private forum, crushes the "Me joining!" one in the public section atleast ^^

But yeah it's like with Jazz, if it works for you - fine and it's nothing "wrong" with it, but try to force it onto me and I'll... cut you, or some other cool gangsta stuff. I'll send my dawgs and they'll all do a lot of damage without any BFG jumps, yo.

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
The wind of Change...

i wrote this cfg some minutes ago
maybe testing it out? it has multijumps and more but some other things are "fixed"

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
The wind of Change...

Gib 1 Tongue

I still want no multiple jumps Sad
Anyways, about the server, i could make one with no lag but most have 100 ping. For some weird reason people care about the ping and not about the lag Thinking Anyways, mow showed some good will to set up something...if we make a cfg worth the while.

Elmuerto's picture
Joined: Aug 2005
The wind of Change...
bert wrote:

what you want already excists, and its called: baseq3


E quando vedo i magrebini francesi menati in periferia /
E quando sento due carramba che sequstrano e si fumano maria /
E quando penso che la mia vita é un'apologia /
Rumoreggio in piazza alzando il pugno dicendo che la Terra é mia - *AJC*El_MuerTo on trick over one beat : )

-God is my Co-Pilot-