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Joined: Jun 2004
mow Q [EN] wrote:

EVOL.WAX wrote:
just how much proof do we need ? :roll:

simply the file details. it can be already downloaded with game (this has nothing to do with cd-rom). File details can show, when the files was created.

some behave here reminds me of the the behave of the church in middleage


come on mow Happy This alone I would agree, but its not alone is it, its part of a bigger picture and a growing list, maybe if he admits it will that be enough ? or will we say....he only admitted it as he was under pressure lol

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

yea, but the final point is for me, and why i decided already:

He never played in a strange, suspective way, at least not, when i was on server, if anybody says something different, lets see. Thats why he gets a ban just for 2 months (on 2!S Servers), what is already a long time for a q3 addictive person. Since 2!S 1on1 and Freeze was his favourite Servers it will be pain in his ass. And maybe than he will learn while this time, how to have a clean q3 if he downloads it from web, instead of buying it.

And to be honest, i am meanwhile annoyed of one-way thinking and one way thinkings.

What is when panic does not lie? In Germany there is a basic rule, somebody is innocent as long his guilt is not proofen. If there are doubts, it has to be decided in advantage of the defendant.

Stupidity can be punished, however, not life-oblong. Thus he gets 2 months instead of forever.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005

and therefore we could have used a details screenshot.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!
TorZelan's picture
Joined: Aug 2006

Great post mow, finally some one said something like that.

Like I said in the DEVA vs Zombie game - demos! If he plays a war and it's so scary, just tell him he has to record and send afterwards (else forfeiting). Then there's nothing to worry about.

Oh and yeah, I know (thanks to SoF2) there are some hightech cheats out there. But there is still not one that nobody can detect with valid reasons unless he's playing with like 200 ping and the whole demo is just a mess. Or well, it is possible to hide, but that includes so much deliberate bad playing which in turn actually takes (more?) skill to keep up without messing up even once that uh, no. It doesn't make sense. Such a player would be better without the cheat.

I must admit that I don't even care if people try cheats, we're human and it's an interesting subject, some people wish to know (and those who know usually become better real players) and those people are also needed because else we would have a bunch of clueless people talking about cheats or thinking they know how it works or can make decisions when they haven't even seen, tried or disassembled one. Cough.

In the end I just find it rediculous to even think of accusing some one who wasn't even playing good when he was kicked, less make it a huge deal. Either intentionally had a cheat running, or unintentionally had some dodgy file. The first case just doesn't make any sense. What was he doing then, running around "oooh I have an aimbot, yay! ...but no button to use it."?

I mean... No offence to Panic here as this is kind of in his general defence in a way, but he's not exactly _outstanding_. Goes "wtf" /reconnect in cw's and such. Winking Couldn't find him in any of the top player stats. Just... Nothing points toward a cheater apart from a couple of files in his Q3 folder which contains like, more than in total on my HDD. Oh, and "something happened before also" which I have no idea what it was, but the only interesting question is - did he rip and tear then? Did he kick a bs amount of ass now? Does anyone have any demo of him at all where he's dodgy or is it alright just to say "I've seen him play a bit too good several times!!!" in which case f.e I would be unwanted in a lot more servers than Capture the Tifs.

Present something or chill out, really. It's probably not meant that way, but when a non-superhero player is followed like this the only way it looks like is that some people aren't here for the game itself. "But I want to see my game completely free of cheaters, because I do love it so!" Love it by not chasing possible clean players out then, keep half an eye on him. Just tell him to always record demos. It doesn't even take effort. Don't even have to care until he does really good, and then you don't have to care unless the others did really find him dodgy, and then it's up to you if you wish to review his demo.

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

Proof 1 previously admitted cheating
Proof 2 first screenshot of pb kick
Proof 3 second screenshot of pb kick
Proof 4 third screenshot of pb kick
Proof 5 screen supplied by panic showing files made if the cheat in question was run

I agree all can be debated but all 5 together is enough for me to make a considered opinion and that is I don’t trust him.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005

In the end I just find it rediculous to even think of accusing some one who wasn't even playing good when he was kicked

not according to Wax (check few posts up) but without demo it is word against word. wrote:

I mean... No offence to Panic here as this is kind of in his general defence in a way, but he's not exactly _outstanding_.

neither was Ram, mind you, he pretty much was bad too. But for me, cheating 2 frags in a fight is same as cheating all of them.

But, mind you, im not for witch hunt here. I think mowly actualy did a fair ammount of ban. But imo he SHOULDNT be playing wars now. He screwed up, he should pay. There is something called "crime by negligence".

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!
TorZelan's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
EVOL.WAX wrote:

I agree all can be debated but all 5 together is enough for me to make a considered opinion and that is I don’t trust him.

Yep that's fair. I wasn't really trying to change anyones mind about whether he cheats or not, just debating if he should be driven out like a witch from everyone's sight. Own opinions and own servers etc is the owners' own. (Such ownage!)

x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

but without demo it is word against word.

My point exactly.

x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

neither was Ram, mind you, he pretty much was bad too. But for me, cheating 2 frags in a fight is same as cheating all of them.

No idea who ram is, heh.
Well yeah again, to each his own. If he sucked and cheated to get two frags, uhhh...

x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

But, mind you, im not for witch hunt here. I think mowly actualy did a fair ammount of ban. But imo he SHOULDNT be playing wars now. He screwed up, he should pay. There is something called "crime by negligence".

Agree with mow doing the right thing. As for wars, their opponents accepted it...? Let them refuse if they wish, like some already have. Again, I'd gladly play Panic with demos on, which I would ask for if he kicked my ass. If he kicks my ass that's probably going to be a very interesting demo; if he doesn't then my brain will break under the pressure of the enormous "WHY"-thought if he's cheating.

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005

No idea who ram is, heh.

his cousain or something. The other one in the trio that got busted cheating. (not sure if the third one existed though, might as well been Ram's and Panic's way to avoid being banned). wrote:

If he sucked and cheated to get two frags, uhhh...

then he cheated. wrote:

if he doesn't then my brain will break under the pressure of the enormous "WHY"-thought if he's cheating.

maybe to not suck even more?

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004

I dont care for such witchhunts and other things - like i said i just wanted to be satisfied in my own mind to his innocence or guilt - in my mind now is overwhelming evidence of guilt, there is a case for circumstantial evidence being misinterpreted, but in my eyes i see him holding a smoking gun.
the fact the cheat has been run on his pc means that it was at least tried out - whether or not it worked is another matter, the fact is that is was tried twice, the same as i tried it twice each time it created a new file.
so think what you all will - i think the case should be closed now and panic should be barred from playing in any CW/league/cup matches and server owners should (i know they will) do what they think is right, when it comes to suspending/banning panic.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

how u can say he started the the cheat (or tryed) on HIS pc. If he have downloaded the cheat togehter with q3, than it just makes sens, that the files was already excluded. So the files could be also started on the pc, who uploaded his q3 to i-net.

Sure, the files get made just if u start the pc, but u can say on which pc. U forgott the fact he has an illegal copy downloaded from i-net. try to find a copy on i-net. many copies on i-net including cheatfiles.