Excessiveplus Mapping Project !
Since the beggining of this mod , some various E+ players who are mappers ,have started doing their own maps.
some are known like thewell.pk3 from Olvamp , and some are not.
so all of u who have worked on good maps , playable , with bot support or not , please post here a Direct link to your map , and possibly a screenshot or two of it.
and details on wich software u used , bsp time, working time.
Maybe some day soon we will release an E+ map pack , who knows?
nice Soon i'll buy a new graphiccard to my pc, so i can make maps, i have some ideas in my head though

and details on wich software u used , bsp time, working time.
first of all good idea can be that i finish my maps.
to bsp time, bsp time depens on pc etc.
working time depends on ur expirience with gaming (some mappers are mapping for rocketjump jump high, a map has totally crap gamestyle if u dont know the game) and expirience with the map editor u use and map building.
so post bsp rendering time just if u give informations what pc u used (os too cuz win98 need less cpu useage as xp) or leave it out.
for working time descript ur mapping skills.
oh nice, what shall ur maps be? inside, outside, desert, factory or wth? if u know what i mean

oh nice, what shall ur maps be? inside, outside, desert, factory or wth? if u know what i mean
imo mapping is much harder as u think.
ever mapped a map?
u need the right colored light, textures etc have to be right no map bug.
if u have a map bug, u have to fix it and render agian, if rendering takes 12 hours it just suxx!.
my excessiveplus tower map is very easy mapped and very crappy textured.
oldvamps map is much better,but he is a much more skilled mapper.
btw on some ctf maps ur getting outside the bulding etc.
just in baseq3 maps the center room is always a lighty inbuild room.

imo mapping is much harder as u think.
sure, of course! i was just wonderin of your ideas, i know it's difficult
i was on the map . Really nice but i didnt get it on that aim zone : where if u shoot there rockets come from it plasma and grenades . For what are those and how can it be stopped ?
My first map is XP QG dedicated to my clan, but unlucky I haven't got enough time to finish it.
features :
street :
- roads and marks
pedestrian passage
street lights
some cars
central building (kinda telescope) :
- a small garden
a fountain
chess tables
rotating platforms
- rotating entrance doors

fire exits
10 levels
incomming :
light signals
put more cars
clan members rooms
training building
night club
hotel maybe
lol and with all that I'm still only at version 0.59
you will see above some pics of it
my second map was at the begining only as a test map, so not finished too, but do not request so much time.
- features :
4 rooms to make
4 coridors
submarrine environnement

I have completed only the 1st room
room1 : blocks room : blocks moving around and crashing you
room2 : traps room : you move on bad square, you are trapped
room3 : teleporters room : you move right left up down you teleport on other square
room4 : jumpers room : a sequence of jump done quickly
as I have added submarrine idea recently I think that I need to add something special
if you have ideas to give I'm open
if you wanna test first room, just download and use /map fastmap-test3
[/][/][/][/][/]nice map oldvamp
it seems u has used about all what is in gtkradiant
and I think that u master map developpement
I have some questions for you that would be great to have answers
question1 : I have done some mirrors on the escaladors in my map, but It does some bugs. So how to make a soft mirror as yours ?
question 2 : is it possible to program other func_** than the standard ones ?
question 3 : it seems not possible to have 2 different actions on the same object, is it ?
we made small patch. Download this from this web http://net-inside.com/q3a/index.php?str=1 one of last links speclab patch v0.8. Including some improvements. its only one pk3 file. Fully compatible with punkbaster etc.
[*The Mapping School-*E+*-made maps!*] - -
it is a server wich has on rotation only E+ made maps.including camel-XP map q3dm1-02 , HKfinal ,cfgtest map , and thewell.
look for it on E+ spider, cause it has dynamic port .